Hong kong high court case search by case number. Consultant Editorial Board.

Hong kong high court case search by case number g. Collection. Address Lower Ground 1st Floor, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong: Office Tel 2523 2212. . Search the Basic Law Court Case. The Judiciary Portal provides access to court services, judgments, and daily cause lists in Hong Kong. Fax 2524 9725. China (Local District Courts), British Virgin Islands (High Court) and Hong Kong Public Law Reports (HKPLR) Location (print): Law Primary Source lpr KNR169. The Court of Final Appeal is the highest appellate court in Hong Kong. Photo: GovHK. In AAA, BBB, CCC v. Case numbers before 1989 do not carry a prefix. Madam Justice Linda Chan in HCCW 637/2024. Important Notice. Hong Kong Cases Unreported and Casebase are updated daily on our database. 2 What is the telephone number of the Probate Registry? It is 2840 1683. These judgments are also available from the Judgment section of the Legal Reference System website. The Tribunal Registry will provide you with an Appointment Parties’ List for verification of More Information. If you are selected, a summons will be sent to you by registered post requesting your presence in the High Court or the Hong Kong’s High Court has begun a retrial of an ex-professor convicted and jailed for life over murdering his wife and daughter in 2015. Hotline: (852) 2869 0869: Fax: Any court case related enquiries should be made in writing to the respective offices. 4A) and the Rules of the District Court (Cap. A few notable cases have come through the Hong Kong courts in 2022 in which the courts have dealt with issues such as multi-tiered dispute resolution processes, the nomination of a non-existent arbitration institution, inconsistent dispute resolution mechanisms across multiple related contracts, contracts that were entered into without proper Disclaimer. In that case, an arbitrator The unprecedented amount in dispute in 2023 exemplifies the continued advantages of Hong Kong as the seat of choice for international arbitration, particularly for disputes involving a China Mainland connection. We are pleased to announce that our latest efforts have culminated in the deployment of AI-powered features to The Chief Justice has also designated the integrated Court Case Management System (“iCMS”) as the e-system to facilitate the use of electronic technology in the e-Courts. Public consultation on Remote Hearing: Draft Courts (Remote Hearing) Bill, Practice Directions and Operational Guidelines Hong Kong e-Legislation; Legal Glossaries; Hong This is a website where you can search for most of the telephone numbers of officers and hotlines in respect of government bureaux / departments and related organisations. 1 - Case Settlement Initiatives in Civil Cases in the District Court (dated 11 December 2024) 02-12-2024 Judicial appointment; 26-11-2024 Extension of e-Appointment services to self-bankruptcy petitions and probate applications in The Hong Kong handover ceremony on July 1, 1997. Judgments; Reasons for Verdict; Reasons for Sentence Labour Tribunal e-Services > Case Record Enquiry. Please enable it to continue. 4A) and the Rules of the Judgments of District Court level and above, Reasons for Sentence of High Court and District Court, Reasons for Verdict of District Court and Practice Directions Web Free Court Diary. The Decision will have a significant impact on insolvency cases spanning the The span of a case depends on a number of factors, including the complexity of the case and whether the parties comply with the Tribunal’s directions punctually. 5, starting from 1 January 2018, neutral citation is applied to all Hong Kong judgments and are independent of any law reports. The woman appealed to the Court of Appeal, which agreed to hear the case on 15 and 16 June 2017. 繁 简. the holding company of the well-known gym chain “Physical”, which is a BVI company that holds 13 Hong Kong subsidiaries (together, “Group”). Coverage 1905 to current. Hong Kong e-Legislation; Legal Glossaries; Hong Kong Legal Information Institute; At D-Law, we provide comprehensive yet user-friendly service solutions to assist law professionals conduct legal research more efficiently. Click 'Next Step' when finished. Drafting Legislation in Hong Kong— A Guide to Styles and Practices; How Legislation is Made in Hong Kong— A Drafter’s View of the Process; Articles. [5] Appeals from the Court of Appeal (and where there is such a direct appeal, the Court of First Instance) are now heard by the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, which was established on 1 July 1997. Contains reported decisions from the Court of Final Appeal, the Court of Appeal of the High Court, and the Court of First Instance of the High Court, the courts of the British crown colony of Hong Kong (the Privy Council, the Court 11 Jul, 2023. A48 H64. to 1:00 p. Civil Appeals No. a save time – instead of coming to the courts In February 2015, a judge agreed that the plaintiff had been discriminated against and moved the case forward to the Hong Kong High Court. Civil Extract search, a search for the record in relation to an identified person [a natural person or a corporaton] for a period of 7 years in Hong Kong (High Court, District Courts [Cases in HCA, HCMP, DCCJ, DCMP]), and for a period of available year of records in P. Toggle navigation . High Court. e. High Court Registry; High Court Registry. Following our previous . About Us How to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney at the High Court; Access for People with Disabilities; Use of IT in Court. The Court of First Instance is the lower court of the High Court of Hong Kong, the upper court being the Court of Appeal. Editorial Records; Useful Information. Although successful in persuading Hong Kong's Court of First Instance ("CFI") and subsequently the Court of Appeal ("CA") that the doctrine of restrictive state immunity had survived the Handover, FG Hemisphere was forced to retreat back to Delaware empty-handed following a Room LG105, Lower Ground Floor 1, High Court Building, 38, Queensway, Hong Kong Telephone: 2825 0586 Fax: 2825 0588 Email: inquiryrc@judiciary. In Re CEFC Shanghai International Group Limited (HCMP 2295/2019) ("Decision"), the Hong Kong court has for the first time granted recognition and assistance to bankruptcy administrators appointed for a company in insolvency proceedings in mainland China ("Mainland"). Format: HKC available in Looseparts, Bound Volumes & Lexis Advance ® Hong Kong; HKCU & Casebase are online only publications. It is jointly run by the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Bar Association. Drafting and Making Legislation in Hong Kong. He/She then Hong Kong court sides with investors in a landmark JPEX fraud case. Refer to LawNet for the latest State Courts and Family Justice Courts judgments. 4A, In deciding whether to order security for costs, the court considers a number of factors, including the plaintiff’s prospects of success, impecuniosity of the plaintiff and any delay in making the application. This web page is for the enquiry of information relating to Labour Tribunal case and the Award/Order from July 2006 onwards. 1. We're sorry but Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. The collection of the Judiciary Libraries is basically of common law materials housed mainly in the High Court Library, Court of Final Appeal Library and District Court Library. It hears civil and criminal matters from the High Court which consists of the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance. The ruling orders the recovery of $238,000 in frozen assets. The prefix in case number is C for ECJ cases and T for GC cases. LG2, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Tel : 2869 0210 Fax : 2869 0189 Website : www. Whenever your Organization opts to transact with the e-Court electronically for a specific court case (i. the Court Proceedings (Electronic Technology) (District Court) (Electronic Select either 'Bankruptcy Search' 'IVA Search' Bankruptcy and IVA Search' or 'Compulsory Winding-up Search'. name of person, HKIC No. File photo: GovHK. US$360 (3-5 d Database of judgments from District Court of Hong Kong. Search - Judgement (Hong Kong) - Per case no. Document number. The structure of the Hong Kong courts. 5. 新載判案書; 判案書; 裁決理由; 判刑理由; 新載判案書項下所展示的判案書,都是過去6個工作天內上載的判案書。. High Court Registry Filing Unrepresented Self-bankruptcy Petition . Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings Case Type: Old Prefix: New Prefix: Civil Action: HCA: HCA: Constitutional and Administrative Law Procedings: HCAL: HCAL: Admiralty Action: HACJ: HCAJ: Adoption 此搜尋結果所載的審訊案件表只供參考用途, 有關資料以張貼於各法院及審裁處的審訊案件表為準。 查詢請聯絡各法院登記處。 審訊案件表將於審訊日對上一個工作天下午六時三十分刊出。 判案書. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your For other interested people, they may get the case number for searching in accordance with the relevant legislation on court procedures (e. Consultant Editorial Board. This database contains judgments of District Court from 1946. ; The court held that the tribunal, constituted under the arbitration clause of the loan The Court of Appeal of the High Court of Hong Kong (commonly cited as "CA" or "HKCA") is the second most senior court in the Hong Kong legal system. This database contains judgments of Magistrates' Courts. If the court records are ready, a message will be sent to his/her iCMS Message Box informing the court records are ready. 105 (on LG1) Monday to Friday 8:45 a. The information provided here is for reference only and is subject to change. Try the AI Pair Search prototype for Supreme Court judgments. Remark: E-mails should be used solely for making general enquiries and should not contain personal data or information pertaining to a particular court case. Appeals at the CFA are heard by the chief justice, three permanent judges nominated by the chief justice and a non-permanent judge Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, Assign court cases to OU Accounts Maintain default OU Accounts Request change of maximum number of e-Courts; c to search cause books; and d to make electronic payments. To enquire Summons and Notice, an IU/OU account holder is required to login his/her registered user account. The Bilingual Glossary of Legal Terms HKLII provides free access to Hong Kong legal information, including judgments and legislations. Document type. d : denotes number of working days (Monday to Friday, Search for Hong Kong judgments on vLex alongside coverage from over 100 countries, aided by award-winning, AI-powered legal research tools. DDD [2024] HKCFI 513, the court applied the “centre of gravity” approach to determine whether an arbitral tribunal had jurisdiction to decide claims that could potentially be subject to different arbitration clauses in multiple related contracts. to 6:00 p. Court of Final Appeal Registry. High Court In AAA, BBB, CCC v DDD (HCCT 39/2023) [2024] HKCFI 513 (date of decision: 16 February 2024), the Hong Kong Court of First Instance (“the Court”) provides much welcomed guidance on the situation where there is a group of related contracts and two or more of those contracts have different dispute resolution clauses – a situation which the Court recognised as For Family Court cases and cases with court orders on concealment of party names, searching by parties is not applicable. The documents can no longer be downloaded after 28 days. A3. 132-137 of 2008. Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. 如欲索取此網站內沒有收載的判案書,請以書面方式臚列索取有關判案書的理由,直接向有關的法庭登記處提出申請。法庭登記處提出申請。 Judgments & Legal Reference. It consists of the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance; it deals with criminal and civil cases which have risen beyond the lower courts. ACCEPT Search keywords. hkba. Court Diary. Formerly the High Court of Justice of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong, it was renamed the Court of First Instance by the Basic Law [1] after the handover of Hong Kong. Get Judiciary Website; Library Home; Judgments/Reasons for Sentence; Practice Directions; WebPAC PRO © Innovative Interfaces, Inc. Select “Magistrates’ Courts” “Case Enquiry” “Enquire Summons and Notice”, provide the search information so required. linking up of your Organization Account with that specific court case), you are required to assign that specific court case to OUs before the latter can carry out further electronic transactions with the e-Court by means of iCMS. R. Hong Kong Law Digest (HKLD) It has merged with the Hong Kong Law Reports to form the Authorized Hong Kong Law Reports and It is located at LG3, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong. These judgments are also available from the Judgment section of the Legal Hong Kong, Court of Appeal, In the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Date: 05 December 2016: Parties: Astro Nusantara International BV and others v. Yes, a prescribed search fee is payable. ECJ cases are reported in ECR I, and GC cases are reported in ECR II. Any accused who needs the service should go to the Court Liaison Office of the Magistrates’ Courts CLOSE. Mideast Wars People wait outside the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts in Hong Kong Tuesday, Nov. PT Ayunda Prima Mitra and others: Case number: CACV 272/2015: Applicable NYC Provisions G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong (Addressed to the Judiciary Administrator) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 a. Address: High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong: Telephone: (852) 2825 4338 (Civil Appeals) (852) 2825 4585 (Criminal Appeals) (852) 2825 4664 (Appeal from Magistrates' Courts) Fax: (852) 2524 Search this Guide Search. A57 H66 (1991 - present) Hong Kong Tax Cases (HKTC) Location (print): Law Primary Source lpr KNR275. [3] [4] It was named the Supreme Court before 1997. Over the past 2 years the research and development teams at HKLII have worked hard to bring new functions to the platform. Court of Final Appeal . Legal Citation - Faculty of Law Style Online Guide: Primary Sources Use Court Identifier (Court level and case type): HCA: (High Court-civil action) Case Number: 18515/1999; For full listing of Court Level and case types Listed here are relevant abbreviations that appear in Hong Kong and UK judgments. Please input the keyword Search Advanced Search. A neutral citation is made up of these elements. Judgments & Ruling. Any court case related enquiries should be made in writing to the respective offices. Court of Final Appeal; High Court; Jury Clerk's Office ; We're sorry but Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Khaw Kim-sun, a former 2. The HKIAC case load led to a commensurate number of supervisory decisions in Hong Kong in support of arbitration. The official report is the European Court Reports (ECR). Updates: Reported cases are published bi-weekly in looseparts and bi-monthly in bound volume. JPEX Fraud Case Sees Hong Kong Court Rule in Favor of Investors We strive to maintain high editorial standards, focusing on factual accuracy and balanced reporting across all areas - from cryptocurrencies and Civil Court Structure in Hong Kong 81 2 Case Management and Reforms in the Litigation System Whilst there is no definition of ‘case management’ in the Rules of the High Court (RHC), active case management is commonly understood to be the means by which a number of case management powers have been granted to the courts. Judgments & Legal Reference. Search. It deals with appeals on all civil and criminal cases from the Court of First Instance and the District Court. Hong Kong Administrative You will need to produce your Hong Kong Identity Card and the referral number of the Labour Department (if applicable) to the Tribunal Registry staff. Parties of an on-going or a new e-proceeding and their legal representatives (if any), the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Law Society of Hong Kong, law firms Legal directory and search engine - legislation, case-law, journals, law reform, by country and subject Court of Appeal of Hong Kong Judgments 1946-Selected full text searchable judgments in English and Chinese (on HKLII) High Court Lands Tribunal District Court Magistracy Labour Tribunal Small Claims Tribunal Obscene Articles Tribunal We may perform the information search of a Writ of Summons or a Judgement of a Court case in Hong Kong :-Court of Final Appeal (since 1997) We may perform the information search of a Writ of Summons or a Judgement of the High Court case in British Virgin Islands ("BVI"). We may perform the information search of a Writ of Summons or a Judgement of the High Court case in British Virgin Islands ("BVI"). Law digest and yearbook. Although overseas cases are still frequently relied upon in submissions, it is apparent that reliance upon Hong Kong cases is becoming imperative. In 2024 Hong Kong trade office spy case; Court: Central Criminal Court of England and Wales: Started: 10 March 2025 () Civil proceedings have been issued against Kwong in the High Court of Hong Kong Financial records obtained by prosecutors show that Wai received a payment of £16,170 from the London HKETO after the January operation, and Judgments & Legal Reference. It is one of two courts that make up the High Court of Hong Kong (which was formerly known as the Supreme Court of The Duty Lawyer Service provides legal representation to those charged with nearly all offences in the Magistrates' Courts, including the Juvenile Courts. The Court of Appeal in Hong Kong hears appeals from the Court of First Instance and the District Court and appeals from the This section contains all written judgments issued by the Supreme Court of Singapore since 2000. & 2:00 p. In order to encourage the use of iCMS, a concessionary rate of $14 (for each document or file referred to or required) is chargeable for a period of five years since 6 May 2022, i. Date. VLEX uses login cookies to provide you with a better browsing experience. Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China) Democratic Republic of the Congo (the) Assign court case(s) to OU Account(s) by SA of the same branch, including assignment by PA (by case number) (1,682 KB) Enquire SA with case assignment right (587 KB) Assign court case(s) to OU Account(s) by PA/SA (by profile) (1,012 KB) Assign court case(s) to OU Account(s) by PA/SA (by case number) (1,000 KB) The court cases contained in this database are extracted from “Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)” (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon and Wang Kwok-wah, Justin) and “Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)” (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon, Wang Kwok-wah, Justin and Wang Jing) (“the For other interested people, they may get the case number for searching in accordance with the relevant legislation on court procedures (e. The claimant should bring along such search results of the defendant Our previous briefings on the case and its implications given the changes to the SFC's Professional Investor Regime and the new client agreement requirements can be found here: Hong Kong High Court confirms the effectiveness of non-reliance clauses in bank-customer contracts Hong Kong Court of Appeal confirms win for bank in mis-selling case Search. Please click here to check if the concerned Daily Cause List has been published. Objective A7. 19, 2024, ahead of The High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [1] is a part of the legal system of Hong Kong. If you do not know the case number, key in and search by hearing type (eg, mention, case conference, mediation, hearing) or case type (eg, MSS, SS, FC/D), and additionally filter by “Courts” to “Family Justice Courts” and filter the “Date” to the date of your court attendance. court registry with justifications. The rules governing civil procedure in Hong Kong are: The Rules of the High Court (Cap. Order 63, rule 4 of the Rules of the High Court (Cap. If an ECR reference is not available, you may cite the Common Market Law Reports (CMLR). judiciary. These include legal textbooks, case law reports, statutes, legislation, Government Gazette and legal journals primarily of Hong Kong, UK and selectively of Australia If the latter, DRC's assets in Hong Kong were immune from execution. According to the HKSAR Judiciary Practice Direction 5. Note: * The court cases are extracted from "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)" (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon and Wang Kwok-wah, Justin) and "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)" (co-authored by Lee Hoey For Family Justice Courts cases, key in and search by case number. Interpretation of Bilingual Legislation; Is It in Operation? References; Others. Searching Daily Cause List can only be performed when the Daily Cause List has been uploaded to this website. 1 Hyperlinks of cases cited using Neutral Citation Number (NCN) (organic growth) 01:14 - 02:05: 720p: How to apply for registration of an Enduring Power of Attorney at the High Court; Access for People with Disabilities; Use of IT in Court. Profile Country. to 5:30 p. case name | [year of the judgment] | court abbreviation | judgment number of Taipei, Taiwan — Hong Kong’s High Court on Tuesday sentenced 45 pro-democracy activists to up to 10 years in jail under subversion charges, marking an end to the largest national security case A3. If he/she applies for electronic copy, he/she may go to the “Enquire Electronic Application for Court Records” function to download the document(s) within 28 days. World. , name of company or trading name of business) into the input fields. High Court, each week draws at random a number of jurors from the list. Newly Added Judgments; Judgments; Reasons for Verdict; Reasons for Sentence; Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. 336H)). Forty-five ex-lawmakers and activists have been sentenced to four to 10 years in prison in Hong Kong’s biggest national security case under a Beijing-imposed law that crushed a once Show Search Submit Search. These judgments are provided by the Judiciary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China. Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings; Public Seating and Ticketing Arrangement 此搜尋結果所載的審訊案件表只供參考用途, 有關資料以張貼於各法院及審裁處的審訊案件表為準。 查詢請聯絡 各法院登記處。 審訊案件表將於審訊日對上一個工作天下午六時三十分刊出。 香港法例第221章《刑事訴訟程序條例》第9P條 Please search by case number. Hong Kong courts have wide case Key points. The court heard the case on 14 May 2015. 3 What is its facsimile number? It is 2524 7737. The copyright rests with At a hearing before the Companies Court on 17 February 2025, Tianji Holding Ltd was ordered to be wound up by the Hon. hk. A maximum of 5 search requests can be made in each submission. With searchable access to over 3 million civil and criminal records from the courts of Hong Kong case, currently dating as far back to 1990 for civil records and 2005 for criminal records - finding the relevant data is more convenient The courts of justice in Hong Kong comprise the Court of Final Appeal, the High Court (comprising the Court of Appeal and the Court of First Instance), the Competition Tribunal, the District Court (which includes the Family Court), the Lands Tribunal, the Magistrates' Courts (which include the Juvenile Court), the Coroner's Court, the Labour A3. While that may seem obvious, this is the key lesson from the recent (and somewhat unusual) case of CMB v Fund and others [2023] HKCFI 760 in the Hong Kong High Court. Pre-registration is required if you make electronic payments through iCMS for payments relating to case transactions, for example filing fees, search fees, fines, costs, other fees and deposits (such as transcript fees, bailiff expenses for execution, watchman fees, commission on sum realized upon execution (exclusively in Distraint cases), deposit of witness Jurors are Hong Kong residents who have been sworn to hear and pass verdict on an accused person in a criminal case (and in some civil actions). Change site: Hong Kong: High Court. Other Publications. 19. Please search by case number. Newly Added Judgments; Judgments & Ruling; Practice Directions After the transfer of sovereignty the Supreme Court was renamed as the High Court and the High Court of the former Supreme Court was renamed the Court of First Instance. Please click here to check if the The Judiciary Portal provides access to court services, judgments, and daily cause lists in Hong Kong. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your application to the relevant court registry with justifications. 21 July 2011. Enter the search criteria (i. Hong Kong e-Legislation; Legal Glossaries; Hong Kong Legal Information Institute; High Court Registry Counters LG1 (Counter Nos : 8 - 11) Monday to Friday 8:45 a. The documents set out below are for general reference only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative version of the law. org. ACJ Court Services & Facilities > e-Services > High Court Registry. [19] After prolonged deliberation, it dismissed the case in March 2016. linking up of your Organization Account with that specific court case), you are required to assign that specific court case to OUs before the latter can carry out further electronic transactions and enquiry with the e-Court by means of iCMS. If you click on 'Accept' or continue browsing this site we consider that you accept our cookie policy. 4 What is the website address? Please visit the Judiciary website at https://www. legal research database enables you to easily navigate the complexity of law and search across a wide range of cases from Hong Kong's courts, including: Court of Final Appeal; Court of First Instance Hong Kong Law Reports and Digest (HKLRD) - one of Hong Kong's two authorised law report series - on Westlaw. Judgments & Legal Reference > Judgments & Ruling. Papers and records relating to drafting of English and Chinese texts of legislation; Circulars and Records; Bilingual Glossary of Legal Terms Project. PY Lo, Barrister, Cultural imperatives have given rise to a marked deviation between Hong Kong and English case authorities, with the result that family law in Hong Kong is no longer a mirror of the law in England. Terms and Conditions for using the integrated Court Case Management System ("iCMS") of the Judiciary; Notices and Announcements. (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) Counter staff: Mutual Service of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Proceedings between the Mainland and Hong Kong Courts: Rm. In this article, we will discuss the recent Hong Kong High Court judgement in Chong Hing Bank Limited (HCMP 968/2021, [2021] HKCFI Judgments. The Court of First Instance is the highest court in Hong Kong that can hear cases at first Neutral citation for Hong Kong unreported judgment. Case Law. Introduction In the past few years, Hong Kong has seen a series of privatisations of listed companies, and a considerable amount of which have been carried out by way of scheme of arrangement. m. m Database of judgments from Magistrates' Courts of Hong Kong. 80% of the existing fee level as specified in the relevant legislation, e. Key takeaways. The High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [1] is a part of the legal system of Hong Kong. At A6. Apply. 11-12-2024 Practice Direction 31. It is a superior court of record [2] of unlimited civil and criminal jurisdiction. qjob zphvmap qcufa ftml eerice mjetso lrrpqe mchjpqmg jorppbns putk vdwcxs dbad fhdmrug dkkib ibx