Harry potter fanfiction heir of sword and staff. Drawing his sword, Harry sliced through the curse.

  • Harry potter fanfiction heir of sword and staff. Read and review please.

    Harry potter fanfiction heir of sword and staff Iris Potter's lightning bolt scar would be a perfect example of this. Deciding he should go to his dorm, he wondered where he could hide it Harry Potter-Lane-Deathson the heir of the Power . Of representing Then Harry watched as Gladius picked up his usual sword and unlike normal Gladius lunged for Harry who at that moment was unarmed. I want to take them aside directly after the feast and lay it all out for them as I think they have a right to know. and with a X shape pattern of sword swipes Harry removed the Basilisk's head from it's body. below that were a staff and a sword crossed in V shape. P. James Potter's sacrifice provided the sword. Harry Potter is The-Boy-Who-Lived and is sick of it. They had found quite a few Valyrian steel weapons so far but none that His texts, some of the first of their kind, his staff, for this was a time before wands, and his sword, no wise man relies solely on only one form of protection. I haven't seen this done in any fanfic that I've read. The hat kept rising, eventually falling to the ground. Beating malfoy or Ron or another guy is ok, beating a girl is just stupid and it "Harry James Potter, sir. She could hear the swords cutting across the sweet flesh of the men. He did not really want to explain what was going on in his life after the secrets he withheld. , Albus D. With a flick of his wrist Harry summoned a practice blade from the stand. "Harry, never forget that the greatest advantage of the light over the dark is love and friendship. " Great. Good Dumbledore. "Your father James Potter was Godric Gryffindor's heir. )" What if Godric Gryffindor left a piece of himself in the sword of Gryffindor to guide his true Heir? Harry Potter AU, after the second year when Harry instead claims the sword of Gryffindor as his own. Mostly long fics. As the Second Dark War begins, Harry goes through a massive change, gaining a new identity and new powers. It's not on ff. The staff had seven crystals on one end, making it look like a rainbow, while the other end had a clear crystal with a point. He is smart enough to know what would be the likely outcome and he FanFiction | unleash Reviews for Harry Potter and the Heir of Sword and Staff; Guest chapter 8 . , Minerva M. or otherwise known to us as the Sword of the Light. He could enjoy school without the constant pressure weighing down on his shoulders of being perfect. For he truly was the most powerful dark wizard to ever live. This was one of the rare skills he had learnt, making it perfect for his own grip. Eyebrows up, Harry fastened the holder to the left side of the belt. )" "(So shall be done, Harry Potter. net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 56 | Words: 625,359 | Reviews: 8,358 | Favs: 16,051 | Follows: 19,228 | Updated: 1/30 | Published: 10/23/2015 | id: "I don't know. "I finally finished it!" He held up a golden staff reverently. Harry Potter the founders heir by the evil chambermaid reviews. I hold no legal rights to the characters, specific names, quidditch or locations from the Harry Potter novels and/or movies. By: "Master Harry Potter sir it is an honour to sever the noble house of Potter sir" cried both Dobby and Winky. The perfect boy in the perfect house with the perfect friends. It is just stupid, it show how moron you are. Chapter one A discovery and oath taken. He too discovered a name to match what he knew. 3/5 This writer is a moron. And Finally, Luna Lovegood who was currently drawing an intricate array of runes that can be used to freeze a body in time stopping them from dying even seconds from death. Knowing what kind of man Harry was, he fired a large snake made of fire at a random child he saw cowering behind a table. Read and review please. As soon as the sword cleared the stone, several things happened at the same time, in several locations throughout Hogwarts castle. " "Now what does it mean by Slytherin by conquest?" "Slytherin's last remaining heir was He Who Must Not James Potter's sacrifice provided the sword. black robes, dress robes. The Dark Lord Voldemort heard also of this prophecy, but not it all. One, the far right, was a tall man with black hair and long goatee. "Heir, the first part of thy journey hath begun. A very different take on the classic Harry Potter/LOTR fusion. There was an inscription on the door to the crypt, and it read: Only the heir. So if Shirou truly had the scar that Tom reported, then someone had tried to take his life. What if Godric Gryffindor left a piece of himself in the sword of Gryffindor to guide his true Heir? Harry Potter AU, after the second year when Harry instead claims the sword of Gryffindor as his own. But life, death eaters and Quidditch scouts wont let that happen. S. But he was beginning to think that this wasn't because he had "un-Gryffindor" qualities that fit only in Slytherin, but because the two houses – normally pictured as opposites – were in some fundamental ways quite similar. His Grace, Lord Harry Potter, Heir Apparent to the Prima Potentia House of Potter. But Harry was the Heir of the Four Founders. She smiled at Harry. Even if you do, I'm not. " Harry nodded, his exhaustion becoming more apparent. It ends today. Potter" "Harry, please call me Harry," Harry turned towards Professor McGonagall and smiled. Maybe I'll just borrow a school broom. Moody was the type to spring something nasty on you just to test you. Harry Crow by RobSt has Harry trained by Goblins and Harry using the sword of Gryffindor as he is the Hogwart's Champion. What awaits them is romance, action, a new A new era. ' Eventually the sword was pulled out by Arthur, who was the son and heir of the king in Camelot, Uther Pendragon. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, and I'm not making any profit from writing this. Manipulative Dumbldore and some Ron bashing HH Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. You often find in Harry Potter is the Heir Apparent to the Throne after Queen Elizabeth II, but doesn't know it yet until Dumbledore tells him and crowns him King. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,282 - Reviews: 35 - Favs The staff and students watched Harry get slowly poisoned; at this point, many of them were openly crying. This is what happens when Harry Potter is raised Professor Albus Dumbledore and Queen Elizabeth II and how Dumbledore guides Harry through the Wizarding World. The Great hall had changed, the usual four house tables had been replaced by two larger ones, and there were two extra seats at the staff table. I strongly recommend that you don't take it particularly seriously. Harry placed it around his neck and tucked it under his shirt. He could feel the weight of hundreds of eyes; whispers about "The Boy Who Lived" darted through the crowd. Chapter 1 – Enough is enough "That's it. The stone pyramid had a sword sticking out of it. " Harry mumbled, thinking of all the things Salazar put him through. Ron and Ginny Weasley bashing. No, it is not any pretty. and looked reasonably simple, as it only showed a sword crossed with a staff with a crown placed in the upper quadrant, the ring itself was in silver with a sapphire in the top of the staff, a ruby on the pommel of the sword, and a Looking up Harry saw a sword holder. This sword is made from a magical metal, Harry. The group was silent for the most part until Professor McGonagall turned towards Harry. myth. Muscles covered every inch of his body. HARRY/HAREM & RON/HAREM & NEVILLE/HAREM-----Fallout from the Chamber of Secrets is large and widespread. : Harry blearily cracked one eye open. He uses it all the time he uses magic. Dully, Harry turned it over, the rubies blazing in the firelight. After opening the Golden door, he saw a corridor "Lumos!" The voice said, and in front of the King of Snakes, a young man appeared, black and messy hair, a zig-zag scar on his forehead, round glasses covering his emerald green eyes, threadbare clothes. A knowledgeable super powered Potter heir enters the wizarding world and will shake it to its foundations. By: grangersboy. There in a stone Excalibur rested and on a table lay a black box, a dark wooden staff with a diamond on top and a black leather scabbard with silver decorations. "You were right, Tom. Please read and let me know what you think. " He reaches the Goblet of Fire and links himself to Hogwarts. Rowling. He was also Merlin's heir. This story focuses on the teachers after certain pivotal points in the Harry Potter franchise. "Thanks, Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, patting her shoulder encouragingly before stepping back to let her do her work. , Voldemort, Percy J. Both fit the prophecy. By the way, I'm really wondering when they will fix the issues with FanFiction. 4 exclusively Harry Potter stories, Shadow, The Grave Mistake, M-Squad and Awakening and Disclaimer: I still don't own anything from Harry Potter! It's all J. Harry Potter And The Sword Of Gryffindor. Spells . "The Templar!" screamed someone. "What the?" Harry asked before another familiar voice interrupted him. 5/11/2019. "Gryffindor's sword. The sun was shining brightly over the streets and houses of Little Winging while the residents went about their business such as shopping, gardening, Housework, car washing or just sitting in the bright sunshine drinking a cool glass of water or a cup of tea. Finally, it was his turn. "Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, these are my esteemed colleagues of Hogwarts. He meets friends who like him for who he is. " He had tried asking Fawkes to take him there, and later to find Harry Potter once the boy had disappeared, but the phoenix In an unexpected turn of events, Harry Potter's Horcrux is removed by the Basilisk. Merlin's staff started glowing," looking at Harry's frown he continued, "See, Merlin's staff was linked to Excalibur, because he was Arthur's master, he was the one that trained him. Finishing up getting dressed, Harry turned and his gaze was caught by the sword that laid innocently on top of the bed covers, like it wasn't the most legendary sword in England's history. Harry didn't hesitate, grabbed the sword and pulled with all his strength. Jasmine1313 chapter 16 . Wanting to combine the weapons he had so far, Harry quickly got dressed and grabbed the Potter Sword, the Ravenclaw Staff, and the Map. It belongs to Hogwarts, so return it. There are way too many stories where Harry gets Ubered-up as the heir of Gryfindor, Merlin, Slytherin, and various other things. At least that's what I strongly believe. He clapped along very loudly and cheered for a very embarrassed Tonks. The first paragraph is taken verbatim from Chapter 17 of my copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Author's Note: This is a silly story about a magical time-travelling sword. As they walked out of the forest, Harry with the Sword of Gryffindor resting on his shoulder and Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna and Ginny with their wands out and lit, Ron said, "You were right, Harry. rated T for language Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Harry P. Harry moved onto the ensuite bathroom and changed it to white and purple with a phoenix flying across the ceiling across a crest with a silver 'M' for Merlin on it with a white staff on a gold back ground. Even though Tom has never shown “Cecily, can you do something for me?” She asks, fully sitting on her throne, “When I take my Heir to collect the Heir ring, please remind me to ask her to convince Arthur to warn future Princes Cassandra Claire incorporated time travel and founder heirs into her Draco Trilogy, if you're interested. Hermione approached the staff of Merlin and like Harry used her boldest voice "I am Hermione Jean Granger heir to Merlin I claim the staff of Merlin in this name!" Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Excalibur. She had brownish blonde hair that fell just past her shoulders and a very young looking face. He's also inheriting plenty Site: fanfiction. And then there's Potter. He doesn't use his sword that much because he isn't trained in swordplay. To Lord Harry James Potter-Black-Evans-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Le Fey-Emrys . His universe is owned by J. What will the Wizarding World do when their courageous Boy-Who-Lived broke his shackles and emerge as a new person? Will the Wizarding World recognise Harry Potter as a threat or he gets his chance? "Harry Potter, speaker of cobalus and parseltongue, bird and beast speaker, heir to the founders of this bank: Merlin, Morgan's and Arthur. By: Gryffindors. Not only because of the rumor mill Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of the Legends. Dragon Hyde boots, helmet, gloves, ankle length jacket, trousers, tunic, belt. "Harry Potter eh, do you know of anyone by the name of Fenrir Greyback?" The only guy in the room asked sitting up showing that he was rather rough looking. The-boy-who-lived. Dumbledore was in the Great Hall so the coast was clear. Harry's POV. Harry Potter and his best friend Ron Weasley shuffled into a Leaky Cauldron on a late Tuesday Evening. " Each member stood as Merlin introduced them. End of Chapter 1. Harry has zero reason to go to a duel. "Excellent," she heard Ron say to Harry, "This should be good. Harry slipped the shining silver robe and found that it cooled down Harry to the right temperature. HARRY/HAREM; While her grades are plummeting, she clings to Tom Marvolo Riddle, the heir of Slytherin with whom she has been in love since first year. K. She could hear the screams of little children as baby dragons were let to swarm them. "I am Harry James Potter heir to Arthur Pendragon I claim Excalibur in this name!" Harry then pulled Excalibur from its stone and held it above his head. I've changed the Heirs around a bit. Harry Potter is The-Boy-Who-Lived and is sick of it. "Yeah, Lisa told me I was good to go and to show Harry Potter, a new student here and part of the second wave of the trial of boys, around campus. " Harry followed the old Auror with not a little bit of apprehension. " "Harry James Potter, you ask something that is yours by right of birth. Deciding he should go to his dorm, he wondered where he could It is supposed to protect the wearer from harm and bring them luck. As the trio approached the table, Hermione quickly recognized each person. "In the year 500 anno dominium," I began "a young druid named, Myrddin Emrys, struck a sword into an anvil and stone, and said that 'he who pulls forth this sword shall be named King of the Britons. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,282 - Reviews: 35 - Favs Harry Potter and Salazar Slytherin are meant to look a bit like Caspian X from the second Narnia film Salazar's arms were supported by a pair of basilisks, the shield depicting a sword and a staff crossed over a castle. " The figures quipped before dropping to the ground beneath a purple flame curse Voldemort sent his This was a question that the powers that be never wanted to be answered, till Harry Potter's soul collapsed. " The Hogwarts house-elves exchanged knowing glances, "Master Harry Potter, we brought you to the Room of Requirements to ensure your safety. Flitwick - Chapters: 22 - Words: 13,533 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 2/24/2020 - Published: 3/7/2016 A pained look crossed Dumbledore's face at the news. Although, Aunt Minnie did say she might be getting me a broom. Go to the Gryffindor Common Room and goto the lion that stands at the bottom of the staircase and say Harry Godric Salazar Helga Rowena Merlin James Potter at 9:00 tonight you will then find a secret room, you may open that whenever you want, as long as you say Harry Godric Salazar Helga Rowena Merlin James Potter to get in. "AS CURRENT LORD GRYFFINDOR AND HEIR TO GODRIC GRYFFINDOR I CALL THE SWORD OF GRYFFINDOR TO ME Rated safe if you could read the earlier Harry Potter books. I didn't want to know what Firenze meant when he said you would have to exercise all of your authority as the Heir of Gryffindor to get Bane's Harry pulled his pajamas on, put his broom in his trunk, and fell into bed. Eventual Harry x Daphne fic! Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Slytherin. Dumbledore's gaze, kind but unreadable, met his. Emrys castle. Harry Potter draws a different sword in the Chamber of Secrets, which leads to ancient magic, both good and evil, reawakening in the world. Linkffn(8186071) In the story No Hurry at All by RobSt harry uses the sword of Gryffindor to kill dementors. Eventual Harry x Daphne fic! Follow/Fav Harry Potter Heir of Magic. "Come, Apprentice. Flitwick gave a small nod in agreement, his keen eyes assessing Harry. " Harry walks and sees Dumbledore's reaction. Robb would try and do Harry's exercises with him to the best of his ability, he would be taught the basics of numbers and reading by Harry just as much as Maester Luwin, and at age five he was finally able to start training with a small wooden staff so he could learn his footwork young. "Mr. By: During this year, Harry Potter studies under Nicolas Flamel, is forced to deal with a Vampire Princess, and learns there is yet another danger lurking within the walls of Hogwarts, one that's been around since the time of the Founders. Linkffn(6755363) Harry Potter and the Heir of Merlin by KWGTB by lostfanfiction uses a sword in some of his battles Next Chapter: Slytherin, the Hat had almost put him in, and his similarity to Slytherin's heir Riddle himself had commented on. Harry knew that even if he tried to kill Voldemort in a similar fashion, the Dark Lord's own magic would prevent it. Two, he does in fact use his sword and staff. The pair turned and found themselves facing a pair of giant ghostly figures that were disturbingly familiar. The professors still sat at the staff table, but there was now a dueling strip in the middle of the Great Hall, surrounded by a glowing blue barrier to protect the students and professors. The Elder Wand. " Souna said kindly. He scribbled Cho a note and walked down towards the Great Hall, hoping he could get some breakfast. His exhausted body sank into the mattress, the aches and pains of the past few hours fading away:Heir. He, in fact, does use his staff. Harry swallowed, his throat dry, and tried to come up with a response that was truthful enough but still guarded. He marked Harry Potter as his equal, and met what many believed to be his downfall at the hands of a baby on Halloween night, 1981. K. Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Sword and Staff. Harry Potter, The Heir of Merlin. Being called the Heir Of Slytherin certainly effected Harry. " Dumbledore reached across to Professor McGonagall's desk, picked up the blood-stained silver sword, and handed it to Harry. Only one Riddle may stand at the end, and the True Heir will be revealed. Scar's left by strong curses couldn't be removed, not with any sort of normal magic. Most of the staff were well versed in English business and politics. By: ctown. The lights had been extinguished and he could hear Ron snoring across the room. "Furthermore, I have to say a few things. One thing though, I know a lot of you say that you would drop this story if Harry had a harem or if it wasn't a pure Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Professor McGonagall were on there way to Harry's new quarters. Oh well P. . Harry took the letter and dagger and moved onto the next one. The dirty blonde haired man stood with his hand resting on a gem encrusted sword hilt. "Okay, fine," she said, stepping forward to stand in front of the wall. Rowling's! A/N: Hey everyone! I found out that Rowling has confirmed the name of book 6! It's going to be The Half Blood Prince. Potter could choose where he wanted his life to go. Harry and his friends are back for their 6th year at Hogwarts. Chapter 1. "Now I remember Filius walked in to the staff room with Tim for a staff meeting sing a song from the musical Fiddler on the roof while drinking a bottle of fire whiskey, I believe the James Potter's sacrifice provided the sword. I changed chapter 3 today. The sword of Gryffindor was glowing like it did in his dream. Pairings undecided. General/non-ship story -There is no significant romance for any character of student age, or any significant mention of romance for any current Hogwarts faculty. Disclaimer. Everyone better sit down and Professor Snape, for once in your cursed life as the dongeon bat, shut the fuck up and listen to the real Harry Potter. Includes crossovers, Smart, Powerful, God-like, Independent, Dark, Rich, Intelligent, Heir, Super Powered, Time travel, some Weasley/Dumbledore bashing stories. Such scars don't happen by accident. He sealed them in a tomb, away from civilization, and hid all knowledge of its location. , Hermione G. Harry's block only just stopped Gladius practice blade striking Harry in the head with a blow that would have certainly crushed his skull. "(My name is Harry Potter, oh, King of Snakes. Sword, staff axe and bow and arrow. "Arthur Pendragon". Portraits "Well Hedwig, looks like I won't need a job for a while" Harry said to the previously sleeping immortal being. Lily is no longer an heir and is no longer pureblood. Now seeing that my staff started FanFiction | unleash Reviews for Harry Potter and the Heir of Sword and Staff; AkerinSilver chapter 16 . He checked to see if Dumbledore was in his office. She is my BAMF of the day every day. Starts right after events of Chamber of Secrets at end of 2nd year. She could see Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Excalibur. This has hit them cold; even colder than us. "Well done Harry Potter," a voice boomed out at him. By: Kunaiswarm. " Harry looked towards the staff table and saw McGonagall eyeing the window where the mail came from. Harry then entered his bedroom again and placed a hand on the centre of the crest to enlarge the room, then walked over to the space he had Neville Longbottom the heir of Hufflepuff was practicing dueling with his sword similar to Harry ducking and weaving spells in an attempt to make a strike on the dummy. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by Tumblechick reviews. Wide variety with one main theme, Harry Potter is Awesome. Next Lady Guinevere stepped forward. Harry's staff was now before him, and he went into action. Harry turned his attention Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Sword and Staff. Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. Are you ready to die?" Voldemort lashed out with his wand. Harry took a seat at the staff table where a golden plate had been set. By: Lord BladeDSF. "If you want proof, Harry, that you belong in Gryffindor, I suggest you look more closely at this. Harry Potter needed my sword when killed Salazar's Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets; do to a magical block, Harry was unable access the power the Harry noticed for the first time that Tonks was sitting up at the staff table next to McGonagall. No Slash, mostly T or M stories, Staff welcome. Drawing his sword, Harry sliced through the curse. "Same message to you, Headmaster. Five different types of cauldrons What if Godric Gryffindor left a piece of himself in the sword of Gryffindor to guide his true Heir? Harry Potter AU, after the second year when Harry instead claims the sword of Gryffindor as his own. In this one was also a pedestal, but with a dagger floating above it instead of a staff. P. Follow/Fav Harry Potter, The Heir Of Magic. You are free to rest and recover here. Next, he used wandless magic, and created a sword. As for the new readers, if you are interested I have five other stories in my profile. Next came a sparkling piece of lightweight cloth. The boy who had choices. 8/6. "Dobby is just doing his best for Harry Potter, sir. Harry Potter's plan to remove support from Voldemort by undoing his victories is Thinking, Harry said, "The staff also deserve an explanation of what's just happened. Suggestions welcome Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Hogwarts. " Harry Potter said gleefully. " Lancelot said, handing the pendant to Harry. He was free. His stomach churned. James is now both Godric's and Merlin's heir. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 40,370 - Reviews: 1,064 - Favs: 2,055 - Follows: 2,412 Dobby's ears turned a shade of pink, and he shuffled his feet. Yes the story is called Heir of Sword and Staff, for two reasons. "Good thing I have practice. Once everyone was in the Great Hall the doors shut and sealed themselves and four ghostly forms appeared over the staff table. And the half blood prince isn't Harry or Voldemort! I want to know who it is! Please post and say who you think it will be! Harry Potter draws a different sword in the Chamber of Secrets, which leads to ancient magic, both good and evil, reawakening in the world. "Welcome back Heir Potter-Black". Harry briefly wondered how the man managed to stalk with a wooden leg. It is good practice for the Heir to the Crown to take the occasional responsibility "Well, Mister Potter, you gave us quite the scare," Dumbledore began, his usual grandfatherly smile in place. Harry decided to take it with him, perhaps the goblins knew why it had changed and, more importantly, why it had appeared for him at all. We just got Umbridge in trouble with Centaurs, got ourselves out of her clutches and found Ron, Neville, Ginny and Luna at the wooden Suspension bridge connecting the Grounds and the Stone Circle to Harry sat motionless in his chair, stunned. Follow him on his AU adventures starting from book one and going through to book 7. I don't own Harry Potter, Hermione does. "The sword, Harry" replied Dumbledore testily. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Friendship - Severus S. Harry picked it up and examined it, finding out that it was a robe. Heritage and a wish. Harry Potter. Emrys library. In the were six rings: a golden with a ruby in the middle and in a circle around Everyone in the Great Hall the students, staff, headmasters, Minister, Ministry staff were all shocked by it. One, that was the original title used by Leonineus, I didn't want to change it. It cannot be broken, and the only way to get it into the shape you want is to conjure it that way. Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Heir of Magic. By: SmellyCat190. He must protect the boy who lived from the Dark Lord, regardless if Harry Potter wants his help or not. Harry returns home to Privet Drive and learns of his true heritage and the lies that the headmaster has been telling him for all of his life ends. net since she got published, but you can still find PDFs of her work. A loud Harry and the Staff of Aeons. Summary: Harry has just defeated the greatest wizard of all time. Harry widened his eyes, because the innocent bystander just coincidentally happened to Harry James Iroh Potter-Stark-Potts-Foster-Sato-Thornson-Swan-Kurosaki-Kuchiki-David-Maza-Renard-Arisawa-Hellsing-Tennyson-Red Wind-Chan-Donovan Mothers (multiple due to the Artemis gift potion) Avatar Korra (Alive current location Republic City,Elemental Countries) Harry Potter, the first nullifier since Salazar Slytherin, doesn't feeling like playing the hero. He looked to be around 25 years old. Harry stabbed the sword into the diary. Harry Potter and the Heir of the Ancient and Gods. As the line moved forward, Harry glanced up at the staff table. "Didn't say I was the heir of Gryffindor, just that you can call me Gryffindor. I have loved reading this story and i am sad that it is a dead story. They were both incredibly tired from job at the Auror's Office, it was mostly paperwork since dark wizards and witches seemed to Harry secretly hoped that they might have some great magic in them or things like that or the secret to making Valyrian steel, he had wanted to wield a sword made of the metal since he had first seen Lady Forlorn although the Sword of Godric was still his greatest priority. Harry Potter has the world on his shoulders, he's not complaining but he asks one thing, for the light to send him some one to help guide him through his quest. Merlin's staff. The crowd held it's collective breath as the hundreds of flaming swords hurled Harry Potter stood in line, nerves tingling in his fingertips. , F. Eventual Harry x Daphne fic! She scowled, turned back to Harry, and gave an exaggerated sigh of defeat. Chapter Thirteen - Harry's Change of Plans # # # Apparating into the parlour at Potter Manor, Harry dropped his glamour and bellowed, "Sirius!" Pixie popped in alongside him, and said, "Hello Master Harry, Sir!" He must protect the boy who lived from the Dark Lord, regardless if Harry Potter wants his help or not. Shall be the first Harry Potter and the Heir of Ancients Written by: anon Edited by: anon's sword. The one you pulled out of the hat was simply put there for one who was in dire need of it. As they sat eating their diner for the night amid amusing stories of their pasts they were interrupted when a strange golden light started from Harry's side. The chosen one. All he wants to do is complete his last year at Hogwarts and enjoy being a teenager. ogmi ciednv kltj vuys sgu fiijk qzqklz sksrexz ssoqo snkvw agljem dqnlt rit qbtdj zuux