Leetcode hards reddit Advertisement Coins. once you know this stuff, THEN leetcode "easy" is truly easy. Hard is just a name, it could be a problem ripped out of competitive programming or it could be something more on the medium side of things. Now I solve some problems here and there from time to time. No one. I have gotten 2 hards and "fun" variations of leetcode + a twist that make them really challenging. I feel this sub overrates leetcode hard a lot, there are some leetcode hards like serialize/de-serialize a binary tree (BFS and tree-traversal), merge k sorted linked list (Pri. My friends have gotten leetcode hards for their FAANG interviews and they all solved them. Yes, leetcode is great for applying Rince and repeat with common topics, then switch to most commonly asked and start solving down the list. Merge k sorted lists, valid number, n queens, word search, word break. Each question built on the last and was progressively more difficult/complex. I got the leetcode hard, couldn't solve it so they asked if I need different questions, I said yes, and got another leetcode hard. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. Was one OA Hard and three with engineers. However, hards seem to be hit or miss. Valheim Genshin Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Also Divide and Conquer isn't just recursion. Just had my swe internship interview with a FAANG (sorta) company. So they basically expect you brainstorm for an optimal algorithm and explain exactly how it works in 15 min. Go through Neetcode, grind 75, or another site which covers all the common patterns How do people figure out solutions for leetcode hards? The Reddit LSAT Forum. I would have never come up with that solution no matter how many questions I have done. There are many leetcode hard that can simply never be asked in an hour-long interview. All of them were hards and were failing with TLE Optimizing TLEs for medium-hards / hards so the last test cases could pass was the most time demanding task during my whole prep I am unable of hards atm, I've been stuck for 4 hours today. Try solving more mediums and hards pretty less as compared to easy, if you keep solving easy then your seed (expected rank) saturates at some point and you keep revolving around your current rating, if you really want to go up the rating I haven't received any hards during the initial phone screens. You can also use Neetcode or other methods instead of Algoexpert for concepts. Then, when I go through the roadmap, I use the lessons as more of a review/what I need to focus on specifically for leetcode questions. Ive tried to penetrate into hards by doing more difficult mediums, but Ive gotten stuck a ton. For others it was a couple medium questions merged into one. Did 2 contests and finished 2/4, my current rating is 1543. One major trend that I am seeing in most of the interview experience posts is the mention of questions from select Leetcode Hard Questions. Hard - I have only solved ~20 hards, but have found the most common characteristics of hard questions to be that they generally have more complexity in the problem setup, the solutions tend to be longer (multiple functions etc), and most commonly they seem to require a composition of two or more fundamental DSAs. In my experience, Amazon and Microsoft are easier than Google/FB. reddit's new API changes kill And then they go on Blind And Reddit saying how they studied 2000 problems and had perfect solutions and didn't get an offer and their life is devastated spreading up perception that you need to do thousands of problems to even stand a chance and just not true. I did interviews with a company that asked All Hards once (Found them on LC after). For example recently Ive been doing a lot of hard dp questions. I have been solving leetcode on and off for some time. When I cleared my first interview I hardly did any leetcode. The question that I completely bombed I found out was on leetcode as a hard problem so I started doing it. Not every "easy" is easy. do you think someone can get to div 1 by doing only leetcode hards? I doubt. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I looked up the questions on leetcode, and the first was a leetcode hard. I wouldn't worry too much about Hards either, I have been asked one, ever. background one should be able to solve standard data structure medium/hard problems shortly after getting used to how leetcode works. If the interviewer asks two separate questions then it’s because the candidate finished much earlier than they expected so they as a backup question, or they are asking two problems where one is meant to be an easy warmup question. DP also isn't just recursion, you could have gotten a question where you can't solve DP using top down method. Hello, I barely got to the point where I was clearing somewhat selective interviews. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. If they're giving you leetcode, RUN. Each recursive call represents a branch of the tree. But for hards especially try doing the ones from Neetcode 150 (not all) and then branch out to other questions. As of today I just solved 509 leetcode problems. Once I went through ~75% of Algoexpert then I stopped using it in favor of leetcode. The entire industry does not use leetcode. The hards that seem easy once you know the trick are the only ones that take time even with practice. eg Trapping rain water, Binary tree max path sum, Largest rectangle in histogram, N Queens etc A lot of leetcode hards have less efficient medium-level solutions that can be done in time, and being able to recognise that they are not optimal solutions and why is very good to know how to do. Ask yourself first how do I code out any (non optimal) solution? Then, what can I I've been struggling with LeetCode problems, started leetcode from February to April/May mid. Valheim Genshin Impact Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I had to start sticking through my ideas instead of giving up midway for some of the hards. Once done with leetcode, i spent 3-4 months of mock system design interviews. The next two weren't even on the internet. Better to have knowledge, fundamentals, experience in a domain(web/mobile etc) and good enough marketing skills. I would wake up in the middle of the night at 3am and start doing lc all this was along with maintaining my full time job. Why do interviewers like asking obscure Leetcode hards in an interview? Long problems takes like 30 min to type the entire code out/fix bugs run tests. No time for leetcode, I could solve some mediums not optimally and maybe a few hards rn. Sabarkaro • Additional comment actions If They’ll ask the tougher leetcode questions for sure. By that I mean, you gotta smartly choose which questions to do. Follow a list Quick advive would be to do easys till mediums come naturally, amd do those till hards start to seem approachable. Number patterns teach you a lot how looping works. Yup I ask one main question and have follow up questions in mind (all related to the original problem). However only 18 are hard. The questions have to be approved by HR. Meaning you can build a linked list, tree, graph, heap and so on. Overall you start to see invariants better, you estimate code more easily, you start to think better, you know all the DS, you tackle complex problems more methodically. One of the worst There’s a few leetcode hards that are very popular, like LRU cache or sorting k lists. If you find a topic that you are weak in, go and solve hards from that topic untill you feel comfortable. I have done a lot of hards. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. I've tried to do harder problems but its been rough. Their entire work ethic is based of ‘memorization’. Just asked to talk a bit more about my projects on my resume. How they grinded leetcode hards, dynamic programming etc. I don't ask any Leetcode-style questions, because performance on those Qs has very weak correlation with actual job performance. I didnt following neetcode 150. I prepared each topic before going through CTCI, EPI and LeetCode Google questions. 1000 on leetcode. I mostly only do hards that are clearly popular or tagged for a target company. The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date Other method is just to pick questions from leetcode lists in discussions or solutions. It all depends on the company. The final two had questions that weren't on any site (glassdoor, leetcode, sketchy internet blogs). Or check it out in the app stores Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions I’ve got a level where I can solve most mediums quite consistently. Leetcode is famous for being a perfect platform for practicing coding problems and to master coding interviews, unlike others, it is not for competitive programming, this guide will help you to get started with Leetcode without losing hope too early. back when i was doing it- leetcode was all that was in my mind. Lol When I applied for an Internship at DropBox, I got two Hards for OA and two more for the zoom ones. Is there a list of such algos & data structures that most frequently come up for leetcode hards? Specifically in the context of FAANG interviews? I’ve done 300+ LC and at this point I feel like I’m plateauing. Absolutely no one. Comfortable with mediums, how to solve HARDs more. After these 4 months, I'm now able to consistently (90% of problems) solve mediums in ~20 minutes and hards in ~35 minutes on my own. I completed 30 questions (23 easy and 7 medium), but found them challenging. Not every "medium" is a medium. It's more efficient to have spent time trying the question for <1hr, then if you don't get it, study DP and learn how/why the solutions work, then try other questions on your own. Its solving the hards in under 50 minutes that is extremely variable. Most companies don't use leetcode. At this point, I feel that preparing madly for leetcode problems is not worth it. 0 coins. I've solved about 20 problems in the last week or two. Barely any behavioral questions. I finally realised i just needed to practice more, and found Grind75 that does all the work for you of I’ve done 300+ LC and at this point I feel like I’m plateauing. Often times these are less about some trick reduction or expansive structure and more about combining 2-3 medium level algorithms like trie and dfs for wordbreak Part of this self-study process involved learning DS&A and leetcode which took 4 months by studying 3-4 hours a day, 6 days a week. A Guide to grinding Leetcode. I was asked Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree (or binary search tree, can't remember) (Leetcode Hard) and Word Search II (Leetcode hard). Keeping this in mind, I would like to ask the No. More importantly however, the behavior of reddit leadership in implementing these changes has been Might seem like that at the moment but that’ll change with practice i think. How do I get to the next level where I can solve mediums very fast and hards I can do too? plenty. Also, number of problem solved is a bad metric. People latch on to this shit because no one knows how to fucking interview candidates. Couldn't solve either question. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. If I was not taking a DSA course right now, I would just do what you're doing now! I'd finish the course while doing all of the leetcode suggested problems, then move onto the roadmap. There is usually a trick to them but so do most of the mediums! The official Python community for Reddit! Stay up to date with the latest news, packages, and meta information relating to the Python programming language. I still get tripped up on hards though. By once, I mean like a good 100-200 questions round of a mix of easy, mediums and hards. 133K subscribers in the leetcode community. If I was unemployed and had infinite free time I'd be cracked at leetcode. Google usually goes hard into graphs so do Google tagged medium - hard graphs first. I finished blind 75. I interviewed with them 2 years back The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Here's how: I didn't solve hard problems at all. Or check it out in the app stores and the explore cards dramatically improved my ability to solve hards. I have gotten LC easy questions for the former 2 companies but never the latter 2. This was a waste of time. Premium Explore Gaming. --- If you have questions or are new to Python use r/LearnPython View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. The official Python I am honestly not sure. Depending on time, Leetcode is the reason i can't get a job doing this full time. I can solve hards that aren't based on knowing some obscure algorithm. Everywhere I read online, people hyped up how many months of doing leetcode non-stop they had to do to prepare. Some "hards" are something you can do because you were lucky to have some exposure to it already. Often times people post “list of similar questions”. Most people will say that hard questions are just two or more medium. My current leetcode account says solved I want to break into "real" professional software engineering in a swe-first company, and the dream is Google. The only difficult thing about a hard question is the runtime constraint. I have about 4 hours on weekdays and all weekend to spend on Leetcode. Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions I’ve done around 300 Leetcode questions now (119 easy, 160 medium, 20 hards - finished full NeetCode list), but I feel like I still struggle with facing new mediums I’ve never seen before. One of them was question No. From my perspective, the only real value I am gaining from LeetCode is that it may help me pass some of the interview steps more readily. And the mediums are closer to easy than they are hard. Getting three mediums and easy, is different to getting three hards and a medium. Mostly, people tend to do 600+ or codeforces together with it, otherwise it will be one in a blue moon that someone gets selected in these companies. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. No one can tell you what it would require for you since everyone is different, but I think for me 165 leetcode problems, about half medium and half Tbh, when I was good enough with the fundamentals, I started with number patterns, and then I practiced even harder number patterns. Usually it's been like an easy medium type question for most. At the start of my journey, I couldn't even solve easies. Hards, are well . 35 votes, 31 comments. The good thing was for the FAANGs (or near-FAANG) I interviewed with, I'd say for me 70%+ of the time the hard problems were in the Leetcode top problems for that I tried tackling most frequent hard problems, but it's tough. Feel free to ask any questions, start discussions, or just show off your runs! LeetCode is like riding a bike. Most companies (including FAANG) ask leetcode easy-medium. doing 400-500 questions is not. Realize this: leetcode already assumes that you know all basics of DSA. So I don't even know anymore lol. Terms & Policies I don't use Leetcode to practice: since I did competitive programming I mostly used usaco and Codeforces. Consistency is the crucial, difficult part, and as long as you're doing it every day, you'll find it easier and easier to spend 6 hours straight just focusing on it. When it comes to actually code quality and engineering of real world solutions, they’re often the worse at it. Mug up 120-150 fb questions from leetcode. Leetcode is not fully enough, i. How do I get to the LeetCode is difficult! It helps to focus on concepts rather than the specific solution to the problem. Many hard dp problems are straight out of an algorithms course and are no harder than course assignments. I can solve most mediums if I have some time to think. After solving all leetcode hards, I can do a couple 2200 rating problems after some thinking, but those I solved Currently working in one of the FAANG. When I returned from summer, I had solved around 500 problems on LeetCode and some problems on other platforms. leetcode hards dont' require complex algorithms. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. Your way is like trying to force yourself to invent Dijkstra's algo by yourself; it's not time efficient. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Leetcode should (jokingly) threatens its users to do leetcode like Duolingo and has a cute mascot that represents it. Can't solve hards without solving hards. Some of the FAANGs (or near-FAANGs) were asking a lot of Leetcode hard problems that had no official solution from Leetcode. That's just a general rule of thumb for me. Basically impossible to come up with on the spot within the 33 votes, 20 comments. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not Rarely do FAANG ask leetcode hards. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Experienced devs that never went through a solid LeetCode prep round will find it The difficulty IMO is all over the place for me. I *definitely* think they are worth doing, but not because you need to solve those exact questions in an interview in 35 minutes, but because struggling through them for the hour or three will likely hammer home some very cool core concepts. Common popular questions + Google tagged leetcode questions + you can see some recent google interview experience shared on leetcode, forums etc. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, Unless you're doing hards and it's a breeze, I wouldn't waste the effort. That said, it’s widely considered one of the hardest to get into So I kind of expected it. I It is possible to solve LC Hard problems without ever having seen them before, but it'll take a long time that's usually not worth it unless you genuinely enjoy it or do competitive programming. Then if you want you can pay for LC Premium for a month to find the top questions for whatever companies you're Some leetcode hards are easier than mediums once you have done it once, and apparently they get asked pretty often too. I’ve recently started dabbling in leetcode hards and I’ve noticed many seem to require knowledge of specific “named” algorithms. Welcome to the reddit community for Vampire Survivors. Some easies can be medium level. It was too hard for me though. I've had multiple questions from FAANG companies that were slightly easier versions of common leetcode hards. For the last set of problems (~130) it happened 3 times: Russian Doll Envelopes, Cracking the Safe, Contains Duplicates III. I've started preparing for interviews again and I feel confident after practicing for few months now. CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. Plenty of companies ask Hards unfortunately. They’re worth trying so you at least you’re not totally taken aback if you get asked them. Even companies that use leetcode can't pick any question willy nilly. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. It is not worth trying to reinvent entire subjects of Computer Science. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. Now, I have 200 solved but still struggles at completing most hards. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. It's unrealistic and kinda pointless to want to be able to solve all mediums or all hards because some of them require knowing some incredibly niche algorithm that was originally derived by a genius. 1700 rated hards are very doable for you while 3000 rated is near impossible no matter how long you take. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Some medium levels can be easy. They cope with their inability to get good by saying "leetcode is shit, it's simple memorization, I don't solve leetcode problems at my job". I made sure I had a good grasp on the 2 Leetcode level HARD questions for SWE Intern position . I have solved 0 hard questions on my leetcode account and Feel like this question is meant for me to answer lmao. In an actual one hour interview I wouldn't expect a fully optimised hard solution to be required. For those who managed to improve at Mediums and Hards rapidly. General CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. What were some approaches you used? Conventional or unconventional. These problems are like Dr Strange in Infinity War figuring out all the possibilities. For onsite, I've gotten a mixture of mediums and hards. hard. But it was an overkill, I'd recommend CTCI (if you need to go over Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions. They typically have a set of questions that were cleared by HR plus there's a balancing act of standards and hiring more people. Some hards can even be an easier medium. Do companies ever ask "hard level leetcode" questions or does it usually remain in the easy to low LC Hards have very wide range, from 1700 to 3000. The top tier usually involves at least one or two Hards still Resources for approaching and solving Leetcode Hards? CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. and some of the threads on this sub where India interviews ask back to back hards really spooks me out. For example, Rabin-Karp, or suffix trees, etc. Other 2 interviews were mixes of leetcode medium/hard. And some questions marked easy are really dead simple, but then they add in constraints that make it hard. That's why your goal of consistently solving hards is already flawed at the start. Over my last 20 years, I haven't needed anything like the skillset utilized during LC exercises. I have over 600 LC style questions solved between LC, AlgoExpert, CodeWars, HackerRank, etc CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. I find starting with 1 question a day is plenty. e. Leetcode hards . Many of them expand on prior topics in really obscure ways (being exceptionally clever, finding very difficult recurrence relationships for DP, etc). look at the solution if you don't get it. Hard questions are about pattern recognition the same as all questions on the platform. Though, the hardest question I think is “array shift by k elements”. This leetcode game is fine up to a point, but full time engineers preparing for these leetcode problems instead of building things seems crazy to me. More importantly however, the behavior of Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The o(1) space complexity answer is so hard for me to wrap my head around. 99 price tag. Looking for inputs from folks who have been through the process and were selected/rejected ? I cracked the Google interview twice in a row. I spend like all day on one, and the best I usually do it get a TLE. But for hards, I feel like there are way more concepts for problems. Feel like I crushed three of them (Even found two on LC and I had optimal answers - One is even the Top Time Complexity display solution if you click the distribution and view code I don't like the "grind leetcode" culture because that implies that you will pass your interview if you do a lot of leetcode questions which I don't think is true. Any good list to work on solving hard problems or any strategy that Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions I am not the type that can solve lc hards in 15 mins yet (any lc hards doesnt matter) The Reddit LSAT Forum. The recursive function usually takes 2 arguments, one with all the possibilities that could be chosen still (in the beginning, it's the whole array of possibilities), and the other argument is for you to keep remembering and passing down the moves you've Just the default order, so I wouldn't know what type of question each is about. For example "Shortest Path to Get All Keys" was one I got. I got four of them, three I got optimal solutions on and one I got a working middle of the road solution It was a Really hard question imo. It was hell- but i am glad i made it thru. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. I felt comfortable with hards after about 30, but I wouldn't say I mastered them. I haven't really find enough time to practice problem solving. I’ve gotten plenty of Hards in interviews before. So for now, I squeeze in 2 to 3 hours a day of studying, which is a minimum of one leetcode problem and the rest is either I know people who has done 500+ questions and still struggle to solve hards. Try to think about the solution as best you can and give it a go. I am about 800 problems on LeetCode now, mostly mediums, and some hards. This is why a lot of software engineers can't code worth shit; let's do useless math problems that have dick to do with the actual product. Once you do it once, you never really forget. Hey everyone, I’ve got interviews coming up for Uber, would anyone kind enough provide the list of top asked questions from I was at the same situation. It also assumes that you already know basic algorithms like depth first search and so on. So I went through major concepts in AlgoExpert all the while also solving leetcode equivalents (Easy + Mediums and only doing a couple hards every once in a few days in the beginning). The game is an action roguelike game that is well worth the small $4. When I interviewed for Dropbox it was literally ALL hards. You should focus on being able to solve any medium in 30 minutes. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. . Thanks! 2) Leetcode is not a good measure of coding ability. I'm busy with my full time job, I need to relax outside of work , do my chores, socialize ect. Try to redefine a better goal such as "consistently (above 70% chance) solving 2000 rated problems". I mastered mediums after about 80 problems. Well I do have some LeetCode experience. Game dev studios are starting to use Leetcode hards for online assessments . They’re great at memorizing the steps on how to solve LC hards. kmjyujno oeryxv boigyr ygojc egie fpwz clj jqf fdheyai iguiy gmrdmh fmu mban tshmf ugqmr