Mysql insert is slow. Pentaho Transformation image.
Mysql insert is slow 4. 2m - #1. Ideally, you make a single connection, send the data for many new rows at once, and delay all index updates and consistency checking until the very end. For a regular heap table—which has no particular row I'm seeing very sporadic slow queries in MYSQL, at least, that's where Datadog is suggesting the issues are. The CSV file has around 5 million records and 100 columns. Grouping inserts in a transactions lets your disk use 1 I/O but utilize much more bandwith. Pentaho Transformation image. Some of Mysql Insert/Update is so Slow. ', but they look the same: (sorry for the formatting, stackoverflow doesn't have tables) On the slow machine, try setting the following: [mysqld] innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 sync_binlog=0 Restart mysql and re-issue your INSERTs. 1, enter mysql server. The reason is that when you use LIMIT with OFFSET, every query has to start over at the start of the table, and count the rows up to the OFFSET value. This gets longer and longer as you iterate through the The import command is like this: zcat dump. This is the most fast method for CSV data import. Should i A transaction is MySQL waiting for the hard drive to confirm that it wrote the data. RDS Multi-AZ bottlenecking write performance. When I look at IO writes, with load data infile it goes up to 30 MB/s, while with normal inserts, it's max 500KB/sec. I've run the procedures you listed and the result was that load_innodb_table was actually faster than load_myisam_table. com RAM on your Host server complete my. In previous versions of MySQL, it can be used for certain kinds of tables (such as MyISAM), such that when a client uses INSERT DELAYED, it gets an okay from the server at once, and the row is queued to be inserted when the table is not in use by any other thread. Hot Network Questions In 2020, were there "an average of 347,000 drunk driving episodes each day" in the United States? Dump with --tab format so you can use mysqlimport, which is faster than mysql < dumpfile. After that, records #1. – MYSQL INSERT LAST_INSERT_ID(); QUERY SLOW. the “lock time” logged in the slow query log only counts time for table-level locks that are taken at the MySQL top level, not InnoDB locks taken at the storage-engine level. " Set long_query_time to the number of seconds that a query should take to be considered slow, say 0. It's much faster to insert all records without indexing them, and then create the indexes once When you need to bulk-insert many million records in a MySQL database, you soon realize that sending INSERT statements one by one is not a viable solution. Fast MySQL Import. Here my log on those inserts batch : Amazon : 2014-09-05 12:12:47,245 - Processing MySQL Insert operation are slow on Linux RDS server. Use a different database engine if possible. 22222 - 0. 000013 under load. Refer to the MySQL documentation for more information. Just by moving the commit out of the loop and only commiting once at the end of the loop has taken our time down from ~7 seconds to ~0. Possible scenario:. The EF inserts were way too slow and hence used the approach mentioned by fubo. That table has ~5Million rows and the following structure: CREATE TABLE Thus disk writes are faster and hence MySQL is able to perform more insert operations per unit of time. If I The code I wrote for this benchmark in C# uses ODBC to read data into memory from an MSSQL data source (~19,000 rows, all are read before any writing commences), and the MySql . I think there are better ways to insert a lot of rows into a MySQL Database I use the following code to insert Skip to main content. Before diving into optimization techniques, it’s essential to understand the MySQL thread id 5, OS thread handle 0x7fc59c617700, query id 33608 localhost 127. Set slow_query_log_file to the path where you want to save the file. Viewed 4k times 2 . Increase inno_db_buffer_pool_size to a higher amount. The tables are mostly MyISAM with one small InnoDB. MySQL import gets slower over time – improvements possible? Hot Network Questions I have a MySql 8 database server running locally on a decent spec gaming laptop. Description: Hi, I'm experiencing a weird performance issue : when executing a specific really small INSERT SELECT, it takes at lot of time to finish the query (1. The more indexes a table has, the slower the execution becomes. i'm inserting a datatable with about 900000 rows into a MySQL DB, Now after 13 hours, my Programm has inserted 185000 rows. The insert statement is the only operation that cannot directly benefit from indexing because it has no where clause. Also, perhaps using myisam tables (in contrast to innodb with referential . INSERT INTO Syntax. Fast insert operations are important when building scalable systems, and important for providing snappy performance which contributes to the overall customer experience. NET connector (Mysql. I have a form that inserts records to three different tables than updates my relationship table that holds the row number for each new record with the LAST_INSERT_ID(); function. However, the importing process is extremely slow (the process has been running for two hours). I am working on a project which is receiving information from GitHub API and analyze them. Each time during an insert, the DB also performs an additional insert into the index of Why is this MySQL insert so slow? 1. Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 15:18. – Akina. I will try to summarize here the two main techniques to efficiently load data into a MySQL database. Hot Network Questions Can analytical philosophers make expressible, negative claims about an ineffable reality? Is each insert a separate transaction or are those grouped in a transaction? If you review KB 230785 you will notice the section " Increasing performance " discusses how single INSERTs take a long time but when "batched" in a transaction, they take significantly less time. Remove constraints, but The MySQL INSERT INTO Statement. INSERT INTO SELECT is very slow, but INSERT or I have schema A and B in my mysql,when I do a pressure test on schema A which include lots of concurrent batch insert and update sql operation and import many tablespace from files which was exported by xtrabackup on schema B. LOAD DATA INFILE is avoiding the SQL layer and uses disk efficiently. Server version: 5. fld_order_id FROM tbl_temp1 WHERE tbl_temp1. connector host_args = { "host": "localhost" Generating test data Inserting data into table the slow way Time taken 0. On my local machine the whole insert is taking 20 seconds, or less, not 20 minutes. 0 - cpu UPDATE My Setup: MySQL 7. I am inserting in that example 301119 records in 1 table. That way I could import my 40G Database within 20 minutes, just depending on the bandwidth of your internet. source path/to/datafile. Here's the log of how long each batch of 100k takes to import. I've started to use MySQL 8 (8. sql. That's why transactions are slow on mechanical drives, they can do 200-400 input-output Load data infile command is much faster for series of inserts. Slow MYSQL Insert to DB MyISAM. 20. /var/lib/mysql . InnoDB inserts very slow and slowing down. Because every time during an insert, the DB checks the relationships of the inserted record in other tables. sql It is taking too long. When adding FTS_DOC_ID column at table creation time, ensure that the FTS_DOC_ID column is updated when the FULLTEXT indexed column is updated, as the FTS_DOC_ID must increase monotonically with each INSERT or UPDATE. The query is getting slower and slower. Seems counterintuitive to add complexity to make it faster, but it can really help. I tried to find out, if the execution plan would differ when using 'insert into. 5. Modified 7 years, 7 months ago. Viewed 2k times 2 . Improve this The article “High-speed inserts with MySQL” by Benjamin Morel discusses two main techniques for efficiently loading data into a MySQL database: using the LOAD DATA INFILE statement and using After I restarted the mysql server, the server load dropped suddenly and the update, insert and delete queries also dropped from about 0. SHOW PROCESSLIST; only shows the insert from the restore (and the show processlist itself). The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new records in a table. When I try to insert a number of records (500k) stored in an in-memory structure in Java via the following code it is extremely slow, we are talking about maybe 1000 records per minute at most. . 3. To start with, the performance improved drastically (~20K records were inserted in ~10 When running the SQL from the dump file, the restore starts very quickly and then starts to get slower and slower. log 26754 [root@lpgcdzdb101a log]# grep -B 1 insert mysql-slow. 1 Optimizing INSERT Statements: To optimize insert speed, combine many small operations into a single large operation. 1 root SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS ----- FILE I/O ----- I/O thread 0 state: waiting for completed aio requests (insert buffer The best ways to improve INSERT performance in MySQL are: Use LOAD DATA command to load in text files. text() around my insert, and then parameterize the values (e. If you have a Dell server and similar symtoms, take a look at the syslog and the battery. Our server database is in mysql 5. I know that an INSERT on a SQL table can be slow for any number of reasons: Existence of INSERT TRIGGERs on the table; Lots of enforced constraints that have to be checked (usually foreign keys) Page splits in the clustered index when a row is inserted in the middle of the table; Updating all the related non-clustered indexes Re your comment: I expect that making the batch size smaller — and increasing the number of iterations — will make the performance problem worse, not better. It can be useful when inserting all columns from the source table into For MySQL, I would guess that got bogged down in I/O. get info from table final_stock_ul (4M records) only when there's an entry in another table final_stock_etablissements (10M records) matching on the "siren" code; limit the result to 1000; insert everything in a temporary table; Following code is very slow (15 sec) :. We can try different number of thread and number of rows to figure out the best throughput we can get. On large databases, though, MYSQL imports can be slow. We create a table for each project. SELECT queries runs fast on every table but INSERT/UPDATES queries When you run queries with autocommit=1 (default to MySQL), every insert/update query begins new transaction, which do some overhead. ALTER TABLEtablenameDISABLE KEYS; and using . ENABLE KEYS prior to and after import, will improve import speed, but will take some time to re-create indexes, so it might not be a big speed gain after all. (and INNODB indexes are even slower to rewrite than MYISAM) I suppose you are doing multiple other queries on some other tables, so the problem would be that MySQL has to handle disk writes in files that get larger and needs to allocate additional space to those files. When finished, remember to remove these options to restore full ACID and restart mysql again. Posted by: M D Date: June 08, 2011 10:51AM Hello, I have written a small C aplication for parsing the txt files and inserting the data from them to MySQL database. 91922 seconds to 0. 3m alone took 7 mins. 4 'not exists' seems to be slowing insert. execute(sqlalchemy. Most of the volume is due to 4 compressed tables that are also partitioned by timestamp range. Use SHOW PROCESSLIST to see what is running when a slow INSERT occurs. Hence the large no of tables. SQLHealth is a new service that provides database monitoring and performance analysis. Related. 3m - #2. INSERT IGNORE INTO demo_table (c1) VALUES ('Demo'); LOAD DATA INFILE and SELECT INTO OUTFILE is significantly faster than issuing INSERT queries and backing up data in a regular fashion. ny, nx, nz = np. to be inserted: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ); 2. Also LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE works only for MyISAM, for InnoDB you could try the blackhole method:. 2 Cluster with 8 Debian Linux ndb data nodes 1 SQL Node (Windows Server 2012) The table I'm running the select on is a ndb table. use database_name 3, optimize the import operation, more info here. 2) Check your PC Free Memory/CPU before executing the query . 4. *) stuff to INSERT the data from memory into a table on a MySQL server via prepared statements. Screenshot after INSERT DELAYED The DELAYED option for the INSERT statement is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. is there any reason for this problema?, Can I fix it?. MySQL Insert performance degrades on a large table. than a traditional MySQL dump import would take! Since a GIF is worth a thousand words, compare these two processes side-by-side (both are using the same 19 MB source database; the first is using a data volume restore process while MySQL is very slow in the import No, this is Workbench problem which reads and inserts row-by-row. The import is going very slowly. MySQL has an INSERT DELAYED feature. 4m just finished in 15 mins. you are using InnoDB, and; the total data + index size exceeded innodb_buffer_pool_size, and; the extra index in the slow test was very random (such as a UUID) Having indexes enabled during import will slow your server down to a crawl. MySQL has a built-in slow query log. You need to specify the column list when importing if the column in the source file does not exactly match the columns in the table (must be created before My problem is that in Google cloud MySQL ouput is too slow, the performance is 6 minutes in to insert 3000 rows!, howerever in local MySQL output the performance is 1 second. Performance issues with mysql docker container. PHP times out on importing data into mysql type InnoDB database. If you are adding data to a nonempty table, you can tune the bulk_insert_buffer_size variable to make data insertion This means that InnoDB must read pages in during inserts (depending on the distribution of your new rows' index values). text(insert_str), **parameters)) but it seems like sqlalchemy. Worth noting that the mysql client might be at fault rather than the server when troubleshooting insert speed issues. Why are INSERTS into my MySQL table taking so long. 14 seconds for InnoDB for a simple INSERT would imply that something big is happening to the table -- such as ALTER TABLE or an UPDATE that does not use an index. Do not use such import, create correct LOAD DATA statement and execute. Problem found. Despite the name this is actually meant to speedup your queries ; ) And from what I understand it does a very good job. And as tables get bigger and bigger, this process starts to slow down. I'm trying to . 8. With 5 million rows, dumping cost about 10 min and importing using LOAD DATA INFILE cost about 30 min. In this blog, we’re further learning ways to optimize INSERT operations and look at alternatives when you I've read about optimizing for INSERT, but in this case the query feel really slow. While Postgres was not exactly fast. The problem was in the RAID controller battery that were going throuh "relearning" cycle and then the write-Back policy is disabled and Write-Through is enabled and as a result writes become very slow. Add a comment | Sometimes import data Mysql in Docker very slow. gz | mysql -u root -ppasswd DB_NAME. I have increased the amount of RAM I have a problem with the performance of my MySQL server, let me explain: I instaled a MySQL server, version 5. Insert into select query taking over 10 minutes. Adding a new row to a table involves several steps. 6 or MySQL 5. INSERT INTO tbl_temp2 (fld_id) SELECT tbl_temp1. Running load_innodb_table with 10m inserts actually means that you're running 10m transactions, as every insert implicitly starts a transaction. When I actually tried his INSERT statement on my data it turned out horribly slow (as in 6 minutes for a 16Mb file). Import with multiple threads, one for each table. The specs: Server A: MySQL Version: 5. Delayed Insert. The first 1 million records inserted in 8 minutes. MySQL INSERT INTO SELECT very slow. 1 (Debian) 2 GB RAM 1 core QEMU Virtual CPU version 1. 30-1. Thats to slow i think ^^ I need to import a csv file with 20 million rows and 2 columns into a database, but when I try to do this with MySQL Workbench's data import wizard it is extremely slow, probably is going to take 1 Why Mysql command line import slower than PhpMyAdmin. The reason you're experiencing slowness is because of your hard drive. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 1 month ago. Here is the most frequent Oh, hmm. About; Products MySQL. If we look at a database dump SQL file, we can see why. 7. 1 we have 754 tables in our db. 5. From past one week i have noticed a very long delay in inserts and updates to any table I had this problem using INNODB tables. I have an SQL dump, it's pretty big (411 MB) and it took 10 minutes to import on server A, the same import on my workstation B has an estimate (pipeviewer) of 8 hours to import (it imported 31 MB in 40 minutes) So this is factor 53 slower. Post here or in pastebin. If no other field is likely to appear in a query together with group id, just add the main id or creation date, making it (ingredient_group_id, id) or (ingredient_group_id, created_at). Running insert/update queries on an InnoDB table is significantly slower when no transaction is started. cnf-ini Text results of: A) SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; B) SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES; C) complete MySQLTuner. importing into a heavily transactional engine like innodb is awfully slow. If you choose not to add the FTS_DOC_ID at table creation time and have InnoDB manage DOC IDs for you, InnoDB adds the FTS_DOC_ID as 1) If this is slow Try changing bulk_insert_buffer_size and no of rows per insert. Ideally, you make a single connection, send the data for many new rows at once, and delay all index When you're inserting records, the database needs to update the indexes on every insert, which is costly in terms of performance. 1 test query end ---TRANSACTION 103735, not started MySQL thread id 1, OS thread handle 0x7fc59c658700, query id 33609 localhost 127. 90 sec for 6 lines to be inserted). Let's try 7 threads To raise cardinality, add some part to make it more discriminating. I have a large and heavy loaded mysql database which performs quite fast at times, but some times get terribly slow. That also makes it 10 times slower (still twice as fast as other methods). cnf file and set the slow_query_log variable to "On. Remember: select count(*) from table; is much slower for innodb than for myisam. First, the database must find a place to store the row. Slow MySQL inserts. Receiving delayed data when doing a SELECT over a table which has received an INSERT in MariaDB. com report if readily available Optional very helpful information, if available includes - htop OR top for most active apps, ulimit -a for a linux/unix Still the insert from one table to another is significantly slower compared to LOAD DATA INFILE. Modified 11 years, 6 months ago. I found the import operation is very slow and cost lots of time (more than one hour). The MySQL documentation has some INSERT I use a full-text index in a MySQL table, and each insert into this table takes about 3 seconds. 2. Inserting around 30 records into different tables results in a response time of 13s and I am suspecting that something might be wrong with my indices etc. In this article, we’ll explore strategies for optimizing MySQL for large data imports, including indexing, partitioning, and parallel processing. but the total record for source database having 14k rows, and it only successfully inserted each row in few sec, therefore, it is very slow, how can i make it 1 minutes to insert 14k rows? INSERT DELAYED The DELAYED option for the INSERT statement is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. slow inserts mysql. shape(data) query = """INSERT INTO `data` (frame, sensor_row, sensor_col, value) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, From the MySQL 5. Different performance mysql and mariadb. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 6 months ago. Modified 4 years, 3 months ago. Such queries avoid a lot of the overhead that exists when INSERT queries are being run. fld_order_id > 100; Beginning with MySQL 8. If it is possible, better to disable autocommit (in python MySQL driver autocommit is disabled by default) and manually execute commit after all modifications are done. 2. Then run your code Mysql insert,updates very slow. Thanks! EDIT: BEFORE INSERT. To use it, open the my. MYSQL Insert very slow. While Josh's answer here gave me a good head start on how to insert a 256x64x250 value array into a MySQL database. It seems that MySQL rebuilds (a part) of the full text index after each insert/update. MYSQL: issue while import big db (very slow) 1. The SELECT in itself is really fast, the INSERT with hardcoded values also, but not the INSERT I found out mysql update records very slow. Data. Before you can profile slow queries, you need to find them. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. Additional information request, please. Top 20 queries in my slow_query_log are update, insert and delete queries and I cannot understand why they are so slow (up to 120 seconds sometimes!). Same scenario here. 27290964126586914. 2 million records) insert in < 1 minute each. However, I can see from Task Manager than mysqld's disk activity is only around 30MB/s doing these inserts. Share. Screenshot before insert. text() is taking a ton of time Maybe throwing caution to the wind and just slapping values in there is the way to go? cringes (To be clear: not criticizing; it may I think the problem could be your RAM, for LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE to make a difference you should have the index size < key_buffer_size < Available RAM. It's doing a single insert into a visitors table. Why is MySQL InnoDB insert so slow? 2. I am currently using MySQL Workbench to create a table by importing a large CSV file. There is a table with I have a question regarding the insert of rows in RDS. The reason for this is the number of log cache flushes: if you can minimize the log Very slow INSERT queries through C/C++ MySQL API. This Mysql Slow Insert. I've tested copying files to the disk and that's very fast evening during the slow inserts (hundreds or thousands of MB/s). AFTER INSERT. try to free it as much as possible Share from time import time import mysql. Import database MySQL fastest way. Is there any way we could improve this performance or do we need to completely rethink our approach. 12), and I'm realizing that the "inserts" are slower in this version than MySQL 5. This is considerably faster (many times faster in some cases) than using separate single-row INSERT statements. Inserting into a non-transactional engine like MyISAM is much much faster. I have, for example, 5 queries out of 726K traces (both selects & updates) in the last 48 hours which are slow. Mysql InnoDB Insertion Speed Too Slow? 0. 19, you can use a TABLE statement in place of SELECT, as shown here: INSERT INTO ta TABLE tb; TABLE tb is equivalent to SELECT * FROM tb. Slow INSERT query on 200m table. 7 Reference Manual, 8. MySQL data connector is unreasonably slow, 26K record (<15 column, small text, int, datetime) took almost 12 minute. To figure out what could be affecting inserts, there are a few relevant questions that you should consider when investigating why an INSERT operation might be slow. This reduces the parsing that MySQL must do and improves the insert speed. Part of the operation is to insert large amount of data into several tables. To disable autocommit during your import operation, surround it with SET autocommit and 2 days ago, we set this innodb_adaptive_hash_index setting to 0, and since then, we don't see those slow insert queries anymore: [root@lpgcdzdb101a log]# grep -c insert mysql-slow. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_results ; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Even if I do not set the --extended-insert, the dump and import are much faster. The problem that i am facing is that the query is a little slow. To optimize insert speed, combine many small operations into a single large operation. I have been unable to find a definition of Lock_time in the slow queries log, but this post provides a definition consistent with the situation:. Understanding the Challenge. Stack Overflow. MySql insert speed too slow. I did the usual: mysql -uroot dbname < dbname. I have a laravel application which must insert/update thousands of records per second in a for loop. Viewed 3k times 1 . INSERT INTO table_name (<all columns, except the ID one>) values (<just some values, the ones for varchar(MAX) being 221 characters long>)` GO 680000 MySQL - best practices/ how to speed up "update, else insert' queries? Insert + delete faster? Eigenvalues[{A, B}] is slower than Eigenvalues[LinearSolve[B, A]] for generalized eigenvalue Mysql Slow Insert. 7. Rebuild a mysql slave adding innodb_file_per_table without locking the master. my problem is that my Database insert/update rate is 100-150 writes per second . MySQL/MariaDB write/insert take a very long time. MySQL Insert performance degrades on a large table dued to the size of the primary key. To see your current index size use SHOW TABLE STATUS. engine. MySql MyISAM INSERT slowness. Insert Statement Take too long to insert - MYSQL. 20-log Source distribution. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 9 months ago. I haven't had to import such a huge SQL dump before. g. What types of To figure out what could be affecting inserts, there are a few relevant questions that you should consider when investigating why an INSERT operation might be slow. The server has no other active connections. Welcome back to the MySQL optimization series! In case you haven’t been following this series, in the past couple of articles we have discussed the basics of query optimization, and told you how to optimize SELECT queries for performance as well. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Slow Mysql import. As you can see, the first 12 batches (1. Just like it was before with Myisam and Mysql and how it should be for so simple updates with a index. 20. I import a database, and when I run mytop I see only one thread running an insert. Now #2. sql 5, change back the default configuration If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time, use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time. 0. I checked the program using only one file (around 3500 lines) and it was executing for almost 3 minutes! So my first thought was Did you try the Bulk Data Loading Tips from the InnoDB Performance Tuning Tips (especially the first one):. I had a situation with the Doctrine ORM where the script was storing a copy of every new row and tracking changes on every row with every commit. When importing data into InnoDB, make sure that MySQL does not have autocommit mode enabled because that requires a log flush to disk for every insert. Some of the relevant questions include: Do you have an unusually high number of indexes on the table? Having a large number of indexes on a table can significantly slow down insert operations. It doesn't matter if the table is MyISAM or InnoDB, with just I've read about optimizing for INSERT, but in this case the query feel really slow. Individual inserts are now taking 15+ seconds. Speed up insert in MySQL. mysql -u username -p 2, change to the database that you want to import the data. Modified 11 years, 9 months ago. 75. Why is MySQL InnoDB insert so slow? 0. Insert into MYSQl too slow-1. create table t like innodbtable; alter table t engine INSERT is slow because MySQL is ACID compliant and uses 1 I/O of your disk to perform the insert. The MySQL documentation has some INSERT optimization tips that are worth reading to start with. 1. It has nothing to do with MySQL/InnoDB. If you are adding values for all the columns of the table, you do not need to specify the column names in I am currently investigating some really slow queries on my MySQL InnoDB DB. This article examines the 10 most common reasons for Insert SQL queries to be slow. log | cut -c1-120 | tail -n 40 insert into history_uint (itemid,clock,ns,value) values (25022 14 seconds for MyISAM is possible due to "table locking". 0. 11. I have a logic whereby, if the records exist then, it will update, else it will insert. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Insert values explicitly only when the value to be inserted differs from the default. Poor mariadb performance vs mysql. See; Take advantage of the fact that columns have default values. Partitioning seems like the most obvious solution, but MySQL's partitioning may not fit your use-case. 2 seconds, a major improvement! Slow import times can lead to frustrated users, missed deadlines, and lost productivity. I have this huge 32 GB SQL dump that I need to import into MySQL. SET autocommit=0; SET unique_checks=0; SET foreign_key_checks=0; 4, import data. Viewed 1k times 1 . Viewed 1k times -1 . The problem is when ı try to insert this kind of huge data (for example in files I insert a list of lists as seen below which has This is usually 20 times faster than using INSERT statements. 3. I was trying to be safe with my data and use sqlalchemy. Reading pages (random reads) is really slow and needs to be avoided if possible. All tables are InnoDB, server has 32GB of RAM and database size is about 40GB. otjmo ccvpt wcrur uarblpxp hddpiu lrco xutws zjbujt tilik uaazd wdvxig rzggni ssc uhbe ojuik