Roblox smooth cframe The clear problem is that I want to make a motorcycle. My attempt: repeat wait() weld. With tween service you can’t rotate how much you want. I wanted to make smooth curves for the zombies, and saw that the name for the curve in question was called “Bezier Curves”. p) Hello! I just made my first custom camera controller that provides a better and more smoother first person view and third person view! If there is anything that I could improve on -- services local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UserInputService = @nicemike40 Looked like it was going to transition smoothly, but It didn’t work as planned. I have tried to set the model’s primary part’s CFrame which achieves the rotation that I want but it isn’t smooth when played in game. I tried I want a very nice smooth effect. p). Button2Down:Connect(function() ads = true end) mouse. Y, stop. I use this code here to get the ADS effect, I would also use lerping so that it looks smoother. At the moment, it’s too fast. CFrame cart. Two commonly used methods are TweenService and using CFrame. Here is how it would be used: local Offset = 0 local VectorOffset = Vector3. The code is below. I have no idea how do i make a good train moving system. Position, Vector3. function Roll(goal) local currentCFrame = Camera. Position + Player. Hope It Helped you ! Hello, I’m new at Roblox Studio. CFrame. C0 + CFrame. Example: CFrame. Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(script. Y),i) wait(1) Hello! I am working on a simple plane that i am making for my game. Players. Please explain how it works and what it is needed for? while wait(. I’ve been trying to create a good cframe-based train moving system, but no luck, all jittery, train cars separating. Like its not instant, and has momentum? If you know what I mean If you could help it would be really appreciated, and I’m thinking if tweening would work. I tried searching online for help, but idk what rads are and idk how to apply them to this. new(0,0,0) * CFrame. local history = {} table. I need fairly precise Hey there! I needed to know if there’s a way to make CFrame smooth without tweening. Currently I’m use task. CFrame = part1. Parent. Button2Up:Connect(function() Now, we just have to Tween The Part to make it moving smoothly and to set the Camera’s CFrame as the Part’s CFrame : Cam. I’m trying to make it follow your body (obviously) with a delay on all axis. so I did a lerp but it doesnt transition smoothly, it still cuts and changing the alpha value to a decimal below 1 is basically just decreasing the intensity of the shake. Part I have been scripting my FPS framework and i need some help with the ADS, i want to make a smooth ADS transition of the viewmodel and i don’t know how to do it. Module: GitHub repository: The original author of the Unity3D asset, Road Turtle Games, gave me written permission via email to make and open-source this port to Roblox. Code local What is the best way to adjust weld CFrame Angles smoothly? I have attempted it but have not gotten anywhere, if anyone could help me out or at least point me in the right direction that’d be great. This proxy part is just an anchored, can-collide false part that represents the CFrame of the actual helicopter. new( Lerp(LastX, workspace. For example, you can change the speed of the coaster from dot1 to dot5 instead of dot1, dot2, dot3, dot4, and dot5. However, I have failed to find a way to do so without RenderStepped serving as a wait() for a loop of lerping the part’s cframe. HeadMover. Position + So I am moving some models using SetPrimaryPartCFrame, but have discovered that it is somewhat laggy when I move the models with enough speed. We do this by binding the following function to the renderstep: local pos = proxy:getController():getLockedTarget():GetPrimaryPartCFrame(). CFrame local rotationCFrame = currentCFrame * CFrame. MainPart. CFrame = Camera. fromEulerAnglesXYZ(rorationsXperSec,rotationsYperSec,rotationsZperSec) end I have a decent camera shaking script but I want it to be slower and smoother. Position local lookAt = I’m trying to make a smooth camera that follows the player around, currently it works but one of the main problems is that it jitters or stutters behind the player or sometimes even goes infront of the player at times causing it not to be smooth at all. Character ~= nil local runService = I am trying to script a train system for my game as I got a physics-based system but that is not always very good at doing smooth motion and it’ll get stuck sometimes, if the curve is any too sharp. This code is appart of a larger code but its un related to it and has like 2 other things that arnt apart of changing the camera You can try having specific dots to change the speed, and not every blue dot. rad(1), math. CFrame, brick. X, 0. g. CFrame:lerp(CFrame. . you can manually move with right click and 2. An example of why Heartbeat or Stepped is not an Hello Im trying to make a climbing system using cframes and doing so im changing them on the client. CFrame:Lerp(part2. I have tried on my own and with assistance from ChatGPT to fix this but I’m not sure how. Cart1. However, creating them looks very complicated for me since I am using AlignOrientation and AlignPosition. See Below for the Issue! The Subject was slightly changed due I changed decided to make whole new script Hi everyone, just yesterday I posted a post about how I want to make a smooth third-person camera, with a fixed cursor in the center of the screen. The script works but the problem is the camera gets glitchy when you look straight up or down. I don’t know very much about scripting so this is about how far I got. Back, Hello! I am currently creating a Tower Defense game. Hence I am looking into making one that is based on CFrame, so it should work better than what I had before. 01 do local alpha = game:GetService("TweenService"):GetValue(i , Enum. The original can be found here. 25, the max is 1). TweenService allows for Nov 7, 2023 · You can use the AnimationTrack:GetKeyframe method to get the CFrame of a given animation time. Should I use an Animation to spin my part? Is it better? Greetings. Feb 27, 2021 · Instead of CFrame, you can use the TweenService to get smoother turning. ConstraintAngles = Vector3. If you’re using Moon Animator, it’s called “None” I am making a wall climbing system and I want the players head to face in the direction they are moving. CFrame, i) . Destination Not Found: Ensure the TeleportDestination part is named correctly and placed in the Workspace. LocalPlayer. Any help is greatly appreciated! This game has the kind of camera I’d like to do: ACF - APOLLO - Roblox Greetings! im working on a morph type system between 3 types of balls and a normal player. People have told me to use CFrame:Lerp(), but I cannot figure out how it would work for I will be straight forward to this, but I want my first person camera movement to be butter smooth. These values are returned by the CFrame:GetComponents () function after the x, y and z positional values. RPGs, Fighting Games, and pretty much anything that isn’t just an FPS game (ignore that for this post). However, when you have more than 2 points, you have to do something like this: This doesn’t look good and is pretty outdated. An example of why Heartbeat or Stepped is not an How do I move an entire model very smoothly without using roblox physics, or the heartbeat/runservice service? I have tried to make a boat move using cframe for my game, I was currently using the heartbeat service for this but later found out that when multiple people join with their each assigned boat it uses a massive amount of the “Recv” data resource from the server Basically, what I’m trying to do is make the character’s camera really smooth, that means when you’ve turned your camera it’s rotating still even if you’ve stopped. The reason being, I want to make a knife and I want to make it spin towards the target when thrown. EasingStyle. Sled:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame. Is there a better alternative to move models around without getting choppy / laggy movement? Notes: The models are moved via a server script since they are server side objects that are being moved. I’m assuming its because it doesn’t move to the next part until the CFrame is EXACTLY the CFrame of the goal. Script: local Colors = script. This module can return the Hi! i have smooth camera and camera bobble in one script. The problem is that for the first half its smooth but for the second half it becomes laggy and choppy. The object is controlled locally and uses BodyVelocity for it to move for the sake of example. new(pos I want to make a jump system for my game. You can, just use the Rotation property, or · On the server, tween a proxy part to the desired CFrame. So basically in our game, we give players the option to lock onto other players to make fighting easier. Since this is such a popular question I So, I already made my code where I’m just simply tweening a part to where the player is going and then putting the camera on it to make a smooth like butter top-down camera. Please note that I don’t have much knowledge of bezier curves. After the cutscene I then tween the camera back to the CFrame I saved from before I modified the camera then change it back I’m currently creating a FPS(guns) Framework, and I’m having trouble Lerping CFrame’s. It works perfectly but there is just some mini details I want to get fixed. Here is my script local water = script. Only thing I might suggest is checking to see if the CFrame has changed before you run this, because of your RenderStep event running 60+ times per second, so that could cause some stutter effect if you use this For my guns I have a attachment called aim, I just get its world CFrame and then move the ViewModel CFrame in relative to that. If I change my camera angle I want it to move smoothly (basically smoothing CFrame) using the spring module. Right now im moving it by constantly changing the cframe of the primarypart in a heartbeat loop, but this hogs memory. Hello everyone i am making a Bezier curve with my characters position towards my mouse position. Does anyone know how to fix this? My script: local plr = game. CFrame = script. Do you know a better way to do so? My local script: hS is basically a variable if the player is holding the S key while hS do local ray3 = I’ve been working on a script that moves a part from point A to B while avoiding a middle area The problem is that the change from the normal CFrame to the avoidance CFrame looks too choppy and I would like it to gradually switch CFrames. https://i. ChildAdded:Connect(function() local A175 = What I am trying to achieve through scripting is a part smoothly transitioning from somewhere behind the character to a few studs ahead of them, and then staying there for a few seconds. Here’s a gif displaying the jittery-ness I’m talking about. follower1. You would also use a Sine easing style to increase speed for realism. new(0,10,0) while wait() do for i = 0,1,. Stop local timelimit = 70 for i=0,timelimit,1 do water. rad(0)) until weld. RenderStepped:Connect(function(deltaTime) Offset += deltaTime RigHead. What I’ve achieved so far is a simple good start, but I’m lost as to how to smooth it without breaking the effect. What’s good! So, I’m having an issue with my lerp function, it’s supposed to lerp a roller coaster cart, here’s what I’ve got: function lerpRide(cart,node) for i = 0, 10 do local t = i / 10 local newC = NODES["Node". Here is a video showing how it looks like: Here is the script used for ADS: local ads = false mouse. Hopefully you can see how the rig stutters across the screen. Currently how I do this is by saving the CFrame of the players camera, changing into to scriptable then tweening it to the cutscene part. local PPCF = Modello:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() for i = 0,360 do Modello:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(PPCF. Second, you can use TweenService to interpolate the value of a NumberValue object from 0 to 1. You could · I needed to know if there’s a way to make CFrame smooth without tweening. local speedDots = {dot1 = 1, dot5 = 5} -- {dotNumber = speed} local trainSpeed = 0. viewModel. campart. insert(history, part. 1) end The code above will smoothly tween the Camera’s CFrame value to the value we define it in the “property_goals” table. rad(goal)) return i have been working on a new game but when moving a part with Cframes it looks rough and choppy and i have had a look at tween service and it looks too confusing I don’t understand the arguments of CFrame. CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame. I thought of using tweens but you can’t move you camera, and im not sure how to use CFrame:Lerp(). I can not see your code, but, when teleporting add either a CFrame or Vector depending how you are teleporting. Maybe something was needed to be changed. new() RunService. new(0,i,90)) wait(0. p-CameraPoints["1"]. I was hoping to somewhat make it round off the CFrame if this is possible. new(workspace. Y = water. new () 将前表面的一个 CFrame 指向世界 2 days ago · use Heartbeat, save cframe of the part into a table. First of all, for the tween time, you would use the time formula t = s/v so probably something like this (Camera. It’s currently like this: I want a transition effect when it switches camera positions, from one scene to the next. Position. That is assuming you’re using some kind of function from RunService. lookAt(), and also what this function does in general. 5 local function I have been refactoring code from a Kart Racing game I made with the intent of creating an Authoritative Networking solution, So far everything has been working fine, except there is one problem I have been having, I’ve noticed this very apparent jitter that appears on the physics handler for the kart whenever I try to manipulate the camera, and it does not appear to Im currently making a realistic shooting game and I want to make it add up the tilt amount with the mouse delta. CFrame * Hello, I have no idea how would I go about the smooth transition but I could help you with the other 2 problems. The problem is, I have no idea how to make it. I want to have a smooth camera that 1. Introduction I’ve created a module that allows you to create an nth degree Bezier Curve given Vector3s and BaseParts (to add points that can change as the BaseParts position changes). Most people want to know how to do this for things like basketballs or cannon balls and so forth. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = . , color, material) to match your game theme. Enemy I made a script that smooths out the camera of the player, however when the player moves they jitter a bit. I am attempting to make the Camera lerp to an object that it is tracking. CFrame + Vector3. I contacted the developer since there was no licensing information available for the Unity3D You can change the appearance of the TeleportPad (e. I have seen some people use an Animation to spin parts instead of using CFrames. Sled. This is my code (very sloppy/pseudo code, please forgive): <details><summary>Code</summary>-- Please excuse the messy code local RS = game:GetService("RunService"); local Goal = function bezier(a : CFrame, b : CFrame, c : CFrame, t : number) local v1 = a:Lerp(b, t) local v2 = b:Lerp(c, t) return v1:Lerp(v2, t) end Use this function to interpolate a CFrame. PrimaryPart. Hey there everyone! I was wondering how can I achieve the smoothest transition possible between an Animation and a CFrame? Basically imagine playing an Equip Animation and when a Tool reaches your LeftHand (When Animation Ends), set the CFrame of that Tool in a RenderStep to the LeftHand! I tried doing this, but it makes a jitter effect in that transition and Hey, I’ve been trying to make a smooth camera that follows character on X axis relative to camera CFrame. To replicate it to the server i constantly update it to the server, making everything lag like crazy. How would I make it so that the curve works for these two objects and This guide was originally written for scriptinghelpers. This is my current script MovementEvents. waiit() with repeat until loops to move my part, but it’s still very choppy. CFrame * CFrame. Angles () 构建器,提供一个旋转角度在 radian 为所需的轴。 参数 CFrame. I want to tween (Smoothly change) the CFrame with certain speed because I’m trying to do client-rendering for tower defense game and well game needs to run on server without any parts, and I don’t know how to tween CFrame I have this but not sure if it fits since I haven’t tested it yet local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Model = workspace. Raycast is great because it runs smoothly, a bullet visual can easily be tweened to where you hit it actually seems perfect but the disadvantage with it is that damage happens immediately as the shooter clicks on his target Below is a local script that is in StarterGui. Water local stop = script. new(water. Example: Player. new(0,3,0) The final update to this code is now you can offset the position and reuse cutscenes for anything! The way to setup a cutscene is to record it at position 0,0,0 then input the CFrame you want the cutscene to play at. To make the movement appear smooth, we will use a for loop: part1. However, I don’t know what to start with. But when I try to jump with CFrame it just spawns up in the air. So what is the best way to Im trying to make a model with multiple parts move along a straight line. My issue is that the moving between the parts is often jittery. I’ve looked through quite a few DevForum threads but none of them seem to have what I want to do. Can anybody help me out? Here is what I have, as you see when I aim in, it isn’t smooth. Kind of like it slides from one scene to the next, currently it’s too abrupt. Example from Blood Engine game: As you can see on the video, the camera position is slightly delayed from character on X axis, which I want to achieve. CFrame = Part. Note that some transformations, such as the rotation of the head when using VR devices, are not reflected in this property, so you should use GetRenderCFrame() to obtain the "true" CFrame of the camera. C0 == I am trying to get the camera to tween to the correct rotation (when you right click to rotate the camera) but I can’t figure out how to do it. Character. Angles(0, 0, math. When the player presses W i want the plane to rotate up so the Seat faces up to the sky. However if I change the wait times it becomes “choppy” or “laggy” and not smooth. CFrame But this will only make th Camera look at our subject for the first Position so, You will have to put this in a loop, Maybe a . So, I’m trying to make a very realistic and smooth camera in roblox studio for my first person roblox game but encounter a problem. Angles(math. com Im attempting to make a simple FPS viewmodel with dynamic movement, Ive started with tilting the Viewmodel based if youre moving left or right It mostly works, as it tilts smoothly and returns back to normal as intended, but if I keep walking in a direction, it goes over the max I set? Code for this: RunService = game:GetService('RunService') -- Var Camera = I recommend not using the Tween for recoil,(at least for my case) The Tween final position is unchanged, basically if you fire your game at point A, the camera will jump to point B but if you are moving at that time, the camera still jumps to I’ve been working on a script that moves a part from point A to B while avoiding a middle area The problem is that the change from the normal CFrame to the avoidance CFrame looks too choppy and I would like it to gradually switch CFrames. new(0, 3, 0)) to prevent players from spawning inside objects. p, Head. CFrame = history[# history - 4] follower2. What do you want to achieve? I want to make a a versatile and Hey, I’m trying to make this smooth animation of the model rotating on itself until going back to the start rotation. LocalPlayer local cam = workspace. 1) do local pos = Player. C0 = weld. Parent local pointA, pointB = brick. As a somewhat active member of the Scripting Helpers discord one of the most common questions I see is how to have a projectile travel an arc. Jump. SpawnedEntities. Of course, you don’t need to use everything in every tutorial, but these will cover just about everything you need. The Unity Asset Store has a free asset called EZ Camera Shake, which I have ported to Roblox. CFrame:Lerp(newC,t) --if i == 900 then -- return --end local I want to have a cylinder rotate smoothly using CFrame. When you lerp the cframe use the Position element of the cframe to construct a new cframe pointing to their head. x but it get snappy local RunService = game:GetService("RunService"); local UserInputSerice = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local UserGameSettings = game:GetService("UserGameSettings") local Players = Sooo, The title is a bit off the actual question but I didn’t know how to explain it while keeping it short. new(math. repeat wait() until game:GetService("Players"). rad(30), This is the third post in a series about different vital parts about games revolving around combat and how to make them. CFrame = history[# history - 8] you have to make sure the index is in range I want a smooth transition animation when changing the camera’s CFrame. Here is a bit of the class I made to update the player head. new(LerpedCFrame. CurrentCamera local head:Part = I may be misunderstanding how you’re using lerp If you’re using it to smooth out the camera movements try locking the focus point of the camera to their head. HumanoidRootPart. I’m trying to figure out why when i use lerp and the first value become the goal in my RenderStepped loop, the camera rotate back as smoothly as the lerp function to the position where it should be (the As another commenter mentioned, Block Tales uses the default animation system. new(CFrame here) + CFrame. I don’t really know how to smoothly change the CFrame rotation when the player presses W for example. But there’s a solution: Bézier curves. Does anyone know a solution to this? here’s my script: local CFX,CFY,CFZ workspace. The reccomended level of The first-person arm rig in my FPS project uses CFrame’s lerp method to create a swaying effect (lerp is called every frame in a RenderStepped function). Map:WaitForChild('Colors') local blackHole = Colors:WaitForChild('Red') local I want a very nice smooth effect. But to get the movement right I would need to update the Velocity rapidly. Aim. gyazo. Seems like i need to connect the setting of these parameters, but I’m bad at math. Here’s the code: local brick = script. CurrentCamera. There is a velocity that moves the seat and the other parts of the plane forward (they are welded Setting CFrame repeatly on client producing choppy movement on server. Your code uses quite a big Alpha for lerping (0. By smoothness, I mean what you can see in the examples of my previous post POST: Problem with the smooth camera In the comments, I was answered use Heartbeat, save cframe of the part into a table. fromEulerAnglesXYZ(rorationsXperSec,rotationsYperSec,rotationsZperSec) end What I am trying to achieve through scripting is a part smoothly transitioning from somewhere behind the character to a few studs ahead of them, and then staying there for a few seconds. while true do script. node]. I want the part to do this within the timeframe. However, I’ve faced the choppy camera shake when walking on X axis relative to camera: Laggy Hi everyone, How would I make a part spin very smoothly because every time I code it to spin, it spins but not very smoothly. Angles () 您可以使用 CFrame. Then, you can use CFrame:Lerp to interpolate the keyframes and create Oct 4, 2019 · To achieve smooth movement, we will implement a loop. CFrame stores 3D rotation data in a 3×3 rotation matrix. Anyone knows how to make it? In other terms, I want it to slide everytime i move it. So I have to sacrifice the speed (too Advanced Roblox Scripting Tutorial #7 - CFrame (Beginner to Pro 2019)Hey guys! welcome back to another roblox scripting tutorial in todays video I am going t So, I am making a tds game and I want the smooth 90 degree turn around “waypoints” on the path, like how TDS X does it My pretty simple system works by going through the folder’s Children by numerical order in their names, I have tried doing that for the bezier curve but it didn’t go so well. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) if canJump == true then workspace. magnitude/speed I’m trying to achieve a Quake Roll / Twist effect with the camera on player movement. For this, you can either: Set the camera's 要创建一个旋转 CFrame ,请使用 CFrame. However, I’ve faced the choppy camera shake when walking on X axis relative to camera: Laggy Hey, I’ve been trying to make a smooth camera that follows character on X axis relative to camera CFrame. CFrame) because the Heartbeat is relatively stable, we can let the Jun 19, 2024 · Rotating a part smoothly on Roblox can be achieved using various methods. I have tried multiple ways to fix this (with lerping or tweening the camera cframe) but nothing seemed to have helped. RenderStepped:Connect(). Thing is, it’s my first time coding by myself and I have no clue why my camera stutters like this: Anyways here’s my code, sorry if it’s a bit messy, but please halp! -- Services local rS = Problem: I’m currently making a Hot Air Balloon. LookVector*-4 Ndragon. The only issue is that the camera shakes a lot, how can I make it look smoother? Balloon CFrame, Code: --// Server function TweenModelToNode(Model, Node, Tra Should I use CFrame? Bodyvelocity? Raycast? There’s so many and I don’t know which one is the most efficient way. When using the default animation editor, there’s an easing style called “constant”, which makes the animation snap from a keyframe to the next, rather than in a smooth motion. Gun. CFrame = NODES["Node". new(VectorOffset)) end) VectorOffset is the Vector3 generated by the camera bobbing function. (Otherwise it would just drive in one axis direction) I already had an solution with CFrame by setting it every Frame but the code CutsceneService Smooth cutscenes using Bézier curves Repository | Roblox model | Plugin Hey developers, TweenService is probably the best choice for tweening between 2 points. CFrame) Good morning, good evening, good afternoon or whatever! Hello! Ok, so I’ve been experimenting with CFrame animation for some doors on my train. Center. something like the elden ring camera movement. I have that working but it only sets the C0, I want it to smoothly transition so I tried to use a lerp but I think I’m doing it wrong. This matrix is used Although the camera can be placed in the manner demonstrated above, you may want to animate it to move smoothly from one CFrame to another. node - 1]. I need to transition a player’s camera into a cutscene then back to where their camera originally was. At this stage, I am interested in the smoothness of the camera. Player Clipping Issues: Adjust the spawn offset (Vector3. Each time the NumberValue updates, you run this code. Also, for tower attacks it is recommended to check the distance using the magnitude in a loop (preferably with a heartbeat or while loop with I am working on a view bobbing script and when the player stops moving, I want it to smoothly transition from the bobbing to the regular camera CFrame. This property is the CFrame of the Camera, defining its position and orientation in the 3D world. So, because the smooth camera sets its CFrame, the camera bobble cannot set its CFrame. rad(0), math. I don’t know. local runService = game:GetService("RunService") local For this topic, it’s about Steering CFrame lerp! TweenService isn’t really friendly when it is interrupted, for example: TweenService plays CFrame to 90 degrees with linear style. 2), Lerp(LastY, You can make the movement smoother with a lower Alpha for Lerping. Troubleshooting. You can move the camera by setting this property. I tried various things such as removing the wait() and etc but it doesnt seem to help (removing the wait() makes it basically teleport to mouse). CFrame) because the Heartbeat is relatively stable, we can let the follower1 to set its cframe from say 4 beats before. I don’t even know whats causing all of this. doesn’t break shiftlock. WorldCFrame:ToObjectSpace(viewModel. CFrame = CFrame. The tween gets interrupted with another tween that Hey all, I’m trying to create a car camera that will look something like this: But, I cannot seem to figure out how to add the weight behind the camera. Im working on making it keep the camera be the same just in a different sometimes the same ball. Map:WaitForChild('Colors') local blackHole = Colors:WaitForChild('Red') local Alright so let’s say we have a train model that uses cframe to move. It works nicely and I like its simplicity, but it always appears really jittery. Here’s my code right now: local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local camera = Thanks to @bigtheangry, the solution is to use one of the Tween services modules (TweenServicePlus or TweenService V2) for replicating tweening on the client to ensure smooth and synchronized movement with the server. Any help is appreciated. Hello everyone! I’m trying to fix this script that makes a part follow nodes named in number order using CFrame smoothly. wpjtlcmefajsnygjcdcgrcohlxihdtevcipyjgkglnsdsxmjvigzqpqyxsxvatekvynuguwrhhv